《煎茶詩贈履約》《暮春齋居即事》文徵明(1470-1559) 江紹倫英譯

《煎茶詩贈履約》 《Tea Making》 Wen Zheng Ming

嫩湯自候魚生眼  The simmering tea awaits fish eyes to appear
新茗還跨翠展旂  Boiling leaves dance showing flags green
穀雨江南佳節近  In south China the Grain Rain Fest is approaching
惠泉山下小船歸  I collect the famous spring water from Mt Hui for tea brewing
山人紗帽籠頭處  This tea lover enjoys the steam aroma in the pantry
禪榻風花繞鬢飛  His hairs flicker amid the Zen bed and the tea fume flurry
酒客不通塵夢醒  Wine drinkers understand not the wonders of dreams
臥看春日下松扉  Like watching my pine door light up by the sun in spring

《暮春齋居即事》 《On Simple Living in Late Spring》

經旬寡人事  Long has been an absence of human affair
蹤跡小窗前  No people before my window appear
瞑色連殘雨  In gloomy weather rains fall with no ending
春寒宿野煙  In the wilderness it is cold in late spring
茗杯眠起味  In and out of bed I enjoy a cup of tea
書卷靜中緣  The same as reading a book in peace
零落梅枝瘦  Plum branches are lean and scanty
風吹更可憐  In winds they appear rather melancholy

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