


《玉樓春 * 茶》《清平楽 * 熟水》楊無咎(1097-1169) 江紹倫英譯

《玉樓春 * 茶》楊無咎(1097-1169) 《Tune: Jade Bower in Spring * Tea》Yang Wu Jiu

酒闌未放賓朋散  As dinner approaches the end I ask my guests to stay
自揀冰芽教旋碾  I grind white tea shoots to brew for the day
調膏初喜玉成泥  The boiling broth turns into jade white cream
濺沫共驚銀作線  It spills and churns silver lines approach the brim Continue reading

《晚香》張佩綸(1848-1903) 江紹倫英譯

《Evening Fragrance》Zhang Pei Lun

市塵知避俗  Living in city bustles I remain serene
兀坐玩春深  Sitting quietly to savour the deep meaning of spring
火燼茶香細  Silky vapor rises when tea brew acts are at ease
書橫竹個陰  For my bookmark I use pieces of bamboo leaf Continue reading

《憶茶》金農(1687-1764) 江紹倫英譯

《Recalling Tea》Jin Nong

草鋪綠罽地無塵  Green grass covers the ground like a carpet free of dust
朝日熹微榆火新  In the twilight wood fires are burning red and fast
兩串春團三道印  Two balls of tea in a package with three seal marks
不知茶宴赴何人  I recall not to whose tea party I took part


《岩居僧》趙師秀(?-1219)  《Cave Dwelling Monk》Zhao Shi Xiu

開扉在石層  He dwells in a cave carved from rock layers
盡日少人登  Few people visit him in days and years
一鳥過寒木  A single bird flies over the cold woods
數花搖翠藤  On green vines few flowers take root Continue reading

《燕塘拜山》__ 陳柏齡(71)


《小廊 》《寄松風上人》鄭燮 [鄭板橋] (1693-1765) __ 江紹倫英譯

《小廊》鄭燮 [鄭板橋](1693-1765)  《Small Chamber》Zheng Xie

小廊茶熟已無煙  In the small chamber tea is brewed free of vapor
摘取寒花瘦可憐  I pick a chrysanthemum lean and piteous
寂寂柴門秋水闊  From the open wicket the autumn river appears wide
亂鴉揉碎夕陽天  The brilliant sunset sky is dotted by crows passing by Continue reading