《玉樓春 * 茶》《清平楽 * 熟水》楊無咎(1097-1169) 江紹倫英譯

《玉樓春 * 茶》楊無咎(1097-1169) 《Tune: Jade Bower in Spring * Tea》Yang Wu Jiu

酒闌未放賓朋散  As dinner approaches the end I ask my guests to stay
自揀冰芽教旋碾  I grind white tea shoots to brew for the day
調膏初喜玉成泥  The boiling broth turns into jade white cream
濺沫共驚銀作線  It spills and churns silver lines approach the brim

已知於我情非淺          We all know each other well our affection not shallow
不必甯甯書木宛面      No need to write down details on the bowls
滿嘗乞得夜無眠          Everyone drinks on forgetting the night is ending
要聽枕邊言語軟          Contented to listen to intimate chats so soothing

《清平楽 * 熟水》《Tune: Serene Music * Boiled Summer Water》

開心暖胃                     Happiness warms my stomach with comfort
最愛門冬水                 My favorite tea is made with winter wheat herbs
欲識味中猶有味         To understand how a good taste rises into a savor urge
記取東坡詩意             You just have to recall Su Shi’s poetic verses

笑看玉筍雙傳  Watching in grins how tender shoots turn into jade broth
還思此老親煎  I suspect the old poet is brewing this tea for all
歸去北窗高臥  I return to rest in my bed by window north
清風不用論錢  Knowing the fragrant winds will be with me at no cost

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