《食罷》白居易(772-846) __江紹倫英譯

《After a Meal》Bai Juyi(772-846)

食罷一覺睡  Taking a nap after a meal
起來兩甌茶  Getting up later and have two bowls of tea
舉頭看日影  I raise my head to watch the sun light
已复西南斜  Toward the southwest the sun has reclined Continue reading

《From The Book of Odes 詩經》__ 江紹倫英譯

《邶風*谷風 (部分)》
《Valley Gusts * Voice of a Rejected Wife Songs from Hebei (in parts)》

習習谷風  Gusts in the valley rampant
以陰以雨  Clouds shade and rain incessant
黽勉同心  I try my best to unite you and me
不宜有怒  And not allow angers to interfere
採葑採菲  Like gathering a radish root and leaf
無以下體  We must not favor just the green leaves
德音莫違  Remember our vows together
及爾同死  To grow old till death divides us forever Continue reading

《意難忘*山家》吳偉業 (1609-1671) __ 江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Unforgettable Meaning*Mountain People》Wu Wei Ye

村塢雲遮         The village tower is hidden by the clouds
有蒼藤老幹     Dark verdant vines hover about
翠竹明沙         On sandy soils green bamboos tower
溪堂連石穩     Streams and pebbles seemingly hidden
苔徑逐籬斜     Mossy paths lead to fences fallen
文木幾                         Finely carved tables
小窗紗                         Silky curtains
是好事人家     Home for a family noble
啟北扉                         Opening the northern window
移床待客         Preparing the guest chamber
百樹梅花         Hundreds of plum flowers appear Continue reading

《中國行2015 – 入九寨溝記》__陳柏齡(71)


「仙境」受到凡人打擾了。導遊說,這國家公園遊人每天只限四萬一千遊客,上月某日人數超過極限,對不起, 公園落閘,人們在旅遊車上睡一晚、明天請早。


《浪淘沙*茶園即事》陳繼儒 (? ) __ 江紹倫英譯

《Tune*Waves Refining Sand: On Scenes of Tea Plantation》Chen Ji Ru (? )

絕壁翠苔封  Moss growths block the way to cliffs remote
屴崱危峰  Sky high rise up the zenith
半山雲氣織芙蓉  Clouds change colors to beautify the mountain
怪鳥啼春聲不斷  Rare birds make spring calls incessant
躑躅花紅  Flowers loiter in crimson Continue reading

《好事近*次蔡丞相韻 中州樂府》元德明(1156-1203) __ 江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Good News Near*Rhyme with Prime Minister Cai》Yuan De Ming

夢破打門聲      Door knocks wake me up from dreams
有客袖攜團月  The visitor brings in a gift of Full Moon beams
喚起玉川高興  Recalling the legend poet’s advice
煮松檐晴雪      Tea is brewed with pinewood fire in a day fine Continue reading

《行香子》釋中峰(元) __江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Fragrance Songs》Shi Zhong Feng (Yuan Dynasty)

短短橫牆  Surrounding the place is a low wall
矮矮疏窗  Windows intermittent and small
一方兒  小小池塘Nearby sits a tiny square pond
高低迭嶂         Distant hills stand low and tall
曲水邊旁         A brook meanders through them all
也有些風         Wind there is
有些月                         Moon there is
有些香                         Fragrance there is Continue reading