《意難忘*山家》吳偉業 (1609-1671) __ 江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Unforgettable Meaning*Mountain People》Wu Wei Ye

村塢雲遮         The village tower is hidden by the clouds
有蒼藤老幹     Dark verdant vines hover about
翠竹明沙         On sandy soils green bamboos tower
溪堂連石穩     Streams and pebbles seemingly hidden
苔徑逐籬斜     Mossy paths lead to fences fallen
文木幾                         Finely carved tables
小窗紗                         Silky curtains
是好事人家     Home for a family noble
啟北扉                         Opening the northern window
移床待客         Preparing the guest chamber
百樹梅花         Hundreds of plum flowers appear Continue reading