《Tune: Unforgettable Meaning*Mountain People》Wu Wei Ye
村塢雲遮 The village tower is hidden by the clouds
有蒼藤老幹 Dark verdant vines hover about
翠竹明沙 On sandy soils green bamboos tower
溪堂連石穩 Streams and pebbles seemingly hidden
苔徑逐籬斜 Mossy paths lead to fences fallen
文木幾 Finely carved tables
小窗紗 Silky curtains
是好事人家 Home for a family noble
啟北扉 Opening the northern window
移床待客 Preparing the guest chamber
百樹梅花 Hundreds of plum flowers appear
衰翁健飯堪誇 An old man his appetite large
把癭尊茗碗 He drinks tea with a bowl carved in fine roots
高話桑麻 And talk about farming matters
穿池還種柳 Willows line up ponds in rows
汲水自澆瓜 Mellon fields irrigated natural
霜后橘 After frosts tangerines quickly ripe
雨前茶 Prior to rains tender teas thrive
這風味清佳 They taste purely heaven
喜去年 Good cheers for last year
山田大熟 Hillside fields their harvest crest
爛漫生涯 Life and Nature shine their conditions finest