《Cross Canada Coast to Coast — Day 2》__ Bonbon Hu (65)

Mt Robson

Mt Robson

June 1, 2014.

I had a very good sleep at Best Western Motel in Valemount last night. Went to the lobby and got 2 complimentary coffees first thing in the morning. I took off at 7:15 am.

I left early because the weather forecast said that it will rain more later in the day. It was beautiful crossing the Rocky Mountain through Mt. Robson to Jasper. It has snow capped mountains on two sides as I travel east through the valley. Many of the mountains have multiple small glaciers. It never ceases to amaze me to see water on high mountains, such as lakes at 1,150 m elevation.Some lakes are so calm that I can see perfect reflections of mountains and trees inverted images. Some lakes are so buffeted by wind that it has some small white caps.

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《擬古》__李白 (701-762) 江紹倫英譯

《擬古》__李白 (701-762) 

生者為過客    死者為歸人
天地一逆旅    同悲萬古塵
月兔空擣藥    扶桑已成薪
白骨寂無言    青松豈知春
前後更嘆息    浮榮何足珍

Ancient VirtualLi Bai (701-762) 

A person living is traveler in passing
A person dead is home so pleasing
Life is but a journey treacherous
A companion case in ten thousand eras
The rabbit on the moon searches for elixir in vain
The Tree of Immortality has become firewood plain
All white bones are silent with no word to say
Green pines know not whence spring on its way
I sigh as I contemplate on past and future story
No reason to value any vagarious glory

《Cross Canada Coast to Coast (CCCC — Day 1)》 __ Bonbon Hu (65)

I kissed my newlywed bride, Margaret, farewell this morning at 8:15 am. This is our 14th wedding BB1anniversary. 

I started my trip by going east to Hope, and then head north on Hwy 5 in BC. 

It was interesting once I passed Hope (not beyond hope!), because I entered the mountain ranges.

Coquilhalla highway

Coquilhalla highway

Going north on the Coquilhalla highway at the summit, there was still snow on the road side. Five days ago, it actually snowed a few mm of snow on the summit. So, within a few hours, I was traveling from Vancouver at sea level to 1,475 m elevation at the summit. 

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古文粵譯:管晏列傳 上 __ 梁煥松 (71)



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《透脫自適的人格》__ 江紹倫





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