自題小像 鲁迅 (1881~1936)

自題小像   鲁迅 (1881~1936)


Inscription on My Photo    Lu Xun (1881~1936)  translated by S L Kong

My heart has no escape but to care like darting arrows
While my homeland is hit by rocks of stormy sorrows
I speak to stars on high they don’t seem to care
Resolved I am ready to save my motherland with blood I dare








School Mission 30 July 2012 __SL Kong

I watch parents and toddlers march under a burning sun
Common citizens
They shout minds of a single concern
That children not in a single ideology learn

Fears reflect events of only recent history
When schools closed so students go where’re to do wrong
That heroism was symbolized with a blank exam paper
That the only song sung was in praise of a man-made sun

Memories abound of people risking lives to leave the motherland
To seek comfort and opportunity in a colony
Many adult marchers today are children and persons in this company
They fear a resurrection of power characteristic of similar hands

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Dawn 2012__SL Kong

Dawn     2012

A cloud on top of dark trees
White as the belly of a fish
The sky a pale blue
Half washed with greenish hue

I watch the elements from my balcony
Counting what else is in company
The cloud suddenly turns into pastel pink
To the white sky now a bird joins in

Not a moment the cloud is out of sight
The sky a pure mirror yellow and bright
Goldern splashes wash the dark trees green
The universe serene a day begins




崇岩吐清氣 幽岫棲神迹 希聲奏群籟 響出山溜滴 有客獨冥遊 逕然忘所適 揮手撫雲門 靈關安足闢


甚麼是禪詩呢? 閱讀全文






甲:    How are things? 近況如何

乙:    Crazy, always going. Busy and no time. 瘋狂。只動不靜。忙,沒有時間

甲:    Why don’t you slow down? 你為何不放慢一點?

乙:    Are you kidding? There is no place to stand if you try. 你在說笑嗎?我如果稍慢就無立身之地了。







花褪残红青杏小  燕子飞时  绿水人家绕  枝上柳绵吹又少  天涯何处无芳草

墙里秋千墙外道  墙外行人 墙里佳人笑  笑渐不闻声渐悄  多情却被无情恼

Tune: Butterflies Love Flowers  Su Shi (1037-1101)  江紹倫譯

Colours fade on receding blooms apricots yet to grow
Gliding pass are swallows
The garden walls girded by vermilion flow
Willowcatkins mostly gone carried by vernal blows
Everywhere else sweet green grass grow

Swing standing inside out of the walls winds a road
A man walks by
While inside a laughing maiden behold
As ringing laughter fades silence follows
How enchantment dims as enchantment gets bold

无题*__ 周恩來 (1898-1976)


* 此诗作于1917年,作者赴日留学前夕,时年19岁。

No Title    Zhou Enlai (1898-1976) in 1917   江紹倫譯

The Grand River roared to resolutely turn back east
Having searched in vain wise clues to better our country easily
Ten years I contemplate facing a wall to make a breakthrough
I vow to tread the seas and take any daring action necessary

守歲_ 蘇軾(1037-1101)

守歲_ 蘇軾 (1037-1101)

欲知垂盡歲  有似赴壑蛇
修鱗半已沒  去意誰能遮
況欲系其尾  雖勤知奈何
兒童強不睡  相守夜歡嘩
晨雞且勿唱  更鼓畏添撾
坐久燈燼落  起看北鬥斜
明年豈無年  心事恐蹉跎
努力盡今夕  少年猶可誇

Watching Pass New Year’s Eve   Su Shi (1037-1101)    江紹倫譯

The year draws near its end in full
Like a snake crawling back to its hole
Most of its body has vanished from behold
Soon we will loose sight of it whole
Should we try to tie down its tail
Whatever who we will fail
Children will stay up however to bed they are soothed
They will celebrate feast and feast all night through
Cocks don’t you wake us up at dawn with your songs
Nor drums boom at the set hour forlorn
Sitting till the oil lamp wick burns out
I rise to see the Plough slanting to call the hour
Will New Year’s Eve come not again next year
I fear time will prove its arrival to be too long
Let us enjoy this night to the full extent
So youthful life will have much more to contend