守歲_ 蘇軾 (1037-1101)
欲知垂盡歲 有似赴壑蛇
修鱗半已沒 去意誰能遮
況欲系其尾 雖勤知奈何
兒童強不睡 相守夜歡嘩
晨雞且勿唱 更鼓畏添撾
坐久燈燼落 起看北鬥斜
明年豈無年 心事恐蹉跎
努力盡今夕 少年猶可誇
Watching Pass New Year’s Eve Su Shi (1037-1101) 江紹倫譯
The year draws near its end in full
Like a snake crawling back to its hole
Most of its body has vanished from behold
Soon we will loose sight of it whole
Should we try to tie down its tail
Whatever who we will fail
Children will stay up however to bed they are soothed
They will celebrate feast and feast all night through
Cocks don’t you wake us up at dawn with your songs
Nor drums boom at the set hour forlorn
Sitting till the oil lamp wick burns out
I rise to see the Plough slanting to call the hour
Will New Year’s Eve come not again next year
I fear time will prove its arrival to be too long
Let us enjoy this night to the full extent
So youthful life will have much more to contend