酬張少府 王維 (701-761)

晚年惟好靜  萬事不關心
自顧無長策  空知返舊林
松風吹解帶  山月照彈琴
君問窮通理  漁歌入浦深

A Response to Prefect Zhang     Wang Wei (701-761) 江紹倫譯 

In my old age I treasure quietude
World affairs I care nil
On self-reflection I had not a life plan in view
Enjoy to review past events fable and real
Breezes from among the pines set my sash free
I play my zither with moon and hills in peace
You ask for wisdom to attain success failure-free
Hear how fishermen up-stream sing at ease


終南山 王維 (701-761)

太乙近天都  連山接海隅
白雲回望合  青靄入看無
分野中峰變  陰晴眾壑殊
欲投人處宿  隔水問樵夫 

Mt. Zhongnan     Wang Wei (701-761) 江紹倫譯

The premier peak Taiyi sours high near Heaven Gate
The mountian reaches to link with the seaway
As I turn to see white clouds circle in flight
The peak disappears in mists lost from sight
Changes at mid-peak make celestial zones clear
Shady or vivid ravines and gorges appear
To seek a homely place to pass the night
Across the water I ask a woodcutter at riverside

《相見歡》 朱敦儒 (1081-1159) 江紹倫譯

«相見歡»        朱敦儒 (1081-1159)   江紹倫譯

金陵城上西樓  倚清秋
萬里夕陽垂地  大江流

中原亂  簪櫻散  幾時收
試倩悲風吹淚  過揚州

Tune: Joy of Meeting             Zhu Dun Ru (1081-1159)       江紹倫譯

At the West Tower on Jinling city wall
I stand alone on a clear day in the fall
For ten thousand li the setting sun hangs low
Where the Big River continues to flow

Our central plain in savage war
Noble officers scatter and fall
Whence shall our motherland be like yore
I ask the winds of sorrow how tears should travel
Back to Yangzhou our Capital

《更漏子》 溫庭筠 (812-870) 江紹倫譯

更漏子  溫庭 (812-870)

柳絲長  春雨細  花外漏聲迢遞
驚寒雁  起城烏  畫屏金鷓鴣

香霧薄  透簾幕  惆悵謝家池閣
紅燭背  繡簾垂  夢長君不知 

Tune: Water Clock Drips All Night   Wen Ting Yun (812-870)  江紹倫譯

Willow tendrils lengthy
Vernal drizzles plenty
Beyond the flowers the water clock drips all night
Startled geese take flight
Crows on city walls high
In the painted screens partridges frolic in delight

Fragrant mist light
Penetrating the silk tapestry hung high
I sit by the solitary pool to sigh
Behind the red candles
By the closed brocade panels
I dream of you if you care to know

更漏子 溫庭筠 (812-870) 江紹倫譯

更漏子  溫庭 (812-870)   江紹倫譯wan3

玉爐香  紅蠟淚  偏照畫堂秋思
眉翠薄  鬢雲殘  夜長衾枕寒

梧桐樹  三更雨  不道離情正苦
一葉葉  一聲聲  空階滴到明

Tune: Water Clock Drips All Night   Wen Ting Yun (812-870)  江紹倫譯

The jade censor fragrant usual
Red candle burnt tearful
In the shadowy parlour autumn thoughts linger
Eyebrows painted pale
Hair bun dishevel
In the long night cold are the quilt and pillow

Lonely pine trees
After midnight rains
They speak not of her bitter parting sorrow
Leave by leave solitary
Sound by sound solitary
They fall on vacant steps till dawn

商山早行 溫庭筠 (812-870) 江紹倫譯

商山早行  溫庭筠 (812-870)  江紹倫譯 wan2_1

晨起動徵鐸  客行悲故鄉
雞聲茅店月  人跡板橋霜

槲葉落山路  枳花明驛牆
因思杜陵夢  鳧鴈滿回塘

Early Departure       Wen Ting Yun (812-870)  江紹倫譯

Early I rise to rush to the carriage station
Pining for home I hurry to start the motion
Cocks crow while the moon is still over my inn
On the bridge frost keeps travelers from coming in

The hill path is dotted with fallen oak leaves delight
While the post-house wall gleams with orange blossoms bright
I dreamed last night of a different scene
Frolicking in my native pond mallards and geese fondly seen

《宴山亭 北行见杏花》趙佶 (1082-1135) _ 宋徽宗_江紹倫譯

《宴山亭 北行见杏花》 趙 (1082-1135)  宋徽Songhuizong_10

裁剪冰绡  轻叠数重  淡着燕脂匀注
新样靓妆  艳溢香融  羞杀蕊珠宫女
易得凋零  更多少  无情风雨
愁苦  问院落凄凉  几番春暮

凭寄离恨重重  者双燕何曾  会人言语
天遥地远  万水千山  知他故宫何处
怎不思量  除梦里有时曾去
无据  和梦也新来不做

Tune: Hillside Pavilion_Zhao Ji (1082-1135) [Emperor of Song Dynasty]

Like finely cut silky petals
Layers of ice-white sensual
Light evenly touched shades
Your new make-up so beautiful
Fragrance augments charm so delightful
Rendering palace maids shy and shameful
How easily time and events fade
Through heartless wind and rain
Sad and pain
Ask the dreary courtyard
How many springs had been spent in vain

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