玉爐香 紅蠟淚 偏照畫堂秋思
眉翠薄 鬢雲殘 夜長衾枕寒
梧桐樹 三更雨 不道離情正苦
一葉葉 一聲聲 空階滴到明
Tune: Water Clock Drips All Night Wen Ting Yun (812-870) 江紹倫譯
The jade censor fragrant usual
Red candle burnt tearful
In the shadowy parlour autumn thoughts linger
Eyebrows painted pale
Hair bun dishevel
In the long night cold are the quilt and pillow
Lonely pine trees
After midnight rains
They speak not of her bitter parting sorrow
Leave by leave solitary
Sound by sound solitary
They fall on vacant steps till dawn