《相見歡》 朱敦儒 (1081-1159) 江紹倫譯

«相見歡»        朱敦儒 (1081-1159)   江紹倫譯

金陵城上西樓  倚清秋
萬里夕陽垂地  大江流

中原亂  簪櫻散  幾時收
試倩悲風吹淚  過揚州

Tune: Joy of Meeting             Zhu Dun Ru (1081-1159)       江紹倫譯

At the West Tower on Jinling city wall
I stand alone on a clear day in the fall
For ten thousand li the setting sun hangs low
Where the Big River continues to flow

Our central plain in savage war
Noble officers scatter and fall
Whence shall our motherland be like yore
I ask the winds of sorrow how tears should travel
Back to Yangzhou our Capital

好事近 漁父詞 朱敦儒 (1081-1159)

Fisherman’s Song       Zhu Dun Ru (1081-1159)    江紹倫譯
Tune: Happy events are near

I leave the world behind with a shake of head
Choosing no particular day or moth to be sober or inebriate
I make a living fishing in straw hat and cloak
Wearing frost or braving snow is but habitual

At night when winds lull my fishing line is quiet
The crescent moon appears high and low a duet
Where sky and water coverge in a thousand li
A lone swan appears and vanishes as it pleases

好事近 (宋)朱敦儒(1081-1159)




Tune:  Happy Events Are Near     Zhu Dun Ru (1081-1159) 江紹倫譯

Fisherman’s Song

I leave world affairs aside with a shake of head
Free to get drunk any time or choose to keep a clear head
Wearing a green-straw cloak I go to work as usual
And braving the chill of frost and snow is but habitual

Whence the wind lull my fishing line is idle
Up the sky and under water the crescent moon settles
The world a thousand li beams in the same silvery white
A lone swan appears and vanished in flight