
《樵歌子》《A Woodcutter Song》Wu Chen En

觀棋柯爛          Watching a game of chess I drop into a timeless sphere
伐木丁丁          As a woodcutter I fell trees in spree
雲邊谷口徐行  At the valley where clouds edge I stroll
賣薪沽酒          Selling firewood I go
狂笑自陶情      Laughing to echo the spirit of poet Tao
蒼逕秋高          Deep in autumn the hill paths are still green
對月枕松根      On a pine root pillow I lie to sleep under moonshine
一覺天明          Till dawn I wake up feeling fine Continue reading

《浣溪沙》盧炳 (宋)

《Tune: Silky Sand Brook》 Lu Bing (Song Dynasty)

水閣無塵午晝長  At the water chamber on the lake days are long and free
薰風十里藕花香  Sweet scent from cooked lotus roots scatters ten li
一番疏雨釀微涼  A momentary drizzle keeps cool the vicinity

旋點新茶消睡思  To dispel catnap thoughts I ask for fresh tea
不將醽醁惱待腸  And refrain from drinking spirits for poetic activity
闌干倚遍挹湖光  I visit rails around the lake to enjoy its total beauty

《八聲甘州: 陪庾幕諸公游靈岩》 吴文英 (1200~1260) __江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Eight Beats of Gangzhou : On a Visit to Star Cliff with Friends》 Wu Wen Ying

渺空烟四遠                Mists masked all sides of sky
是何年                                    Whence
青天墜長星                A comet trailed down in dark night
幻蒼崖雲樹                Like a tall cliff of towering trees
名娃金屋                    A golden bower perched here built for Lady Xi Shi
殘霸宫城                    Now in ruins a pile of debris in the royal palace Continue reading

《長干行》李白 (701-762) __ 江紹倫英譯

《Song of Wife in Chang Gang》__ Li Bai (701-762)

妾髮初覆額  While my hair was cut covering my forehead straight
折花門前劇  I played with flowers plucked from my front gate
郎騎竹馬來  Riding on bamboo stilts you entered the scene
遶床弄青梅  Like a pair of green plums we played together so keen
同居長干里  As neighbours at Chang Gann Lane
兩小無嫌猜  We shared one another’s joy with no guessing Continue reading