Two Bilingual Nursery Rhymes__Kong Shiu Loon

小公雞,大紅帽                                  Little Rooster, Big Red Hat

小公雞                                              Little rooster
懂禮貎                                              Polite always he appears
見了太陽叫聲好                                  Saying hello to the morning sun
太陽公公笑呵呵                                  Father sun laughs happily singing ho ho ho
送牠一頂大紅帽                                  Giving him a big red hat to behold

採蘑菇                                             Gathering Mushrooms

黑兔和白兔                                        Rabbit black and rabbit white
上山採蘑菇                                        Gathering mushrooms on hills high
小猴和小鹿                                        Little monkey and small deer
一起來幫助                                        Joining in to help and to care
猴和兔,鹿和兔                                  Rabbit and monkey, deer and rabbit
高高興興採蘑菇                                  Happily they gather mushrooms bit by bit


长洪斗落生跳波     轻舟南下如投梭    水师绝叫凫雁起     乱石一线争磋磨
有如兔走鹰隼落     骏马下注千丈坡    断弦离柱箭脱手     飞电过隙珠翻荷
四山眩转风掠耳     但见流沫生千涡    险中得乐虽一快     何异水伯夸秋河
我生乘化日夜逝     坐觉一念逾新罗    纷纷争夺醉梦里     岂信荆棘埋铜驼
觉来俯仰失千劫     回视此水殊委蛇    君看岸边苍石上     古来篙眼如蜂窠
但应此心无所住     造物虽驶如余何    回船上马各归去     多言哓哓师所呵

Hundred Pace Rapids__Su Shi (1037-1101)      江紹倫譯

Waves leap stirred up by the long rapids steeply fall
On the river a skiff glides southward like a shooting ball
Water birds take fright startled by boatmen calls
Through scattered rocks it sails straight forward evermore
Like darting hares and wing-spread eagles sour
Like wild horses race downhill its slope freely fall
Like a lute string snaps and an arrow out of the bow
Lightning cleaves the sky and raindrops on lotus leaves roll Continue reading

後園作回文詩 王融 (467-493)

後園作回文詩      Rear Garden Semordnilap* Poem

王融                      Wang Rong  (467-493)

陳耀國 譯                 Tr. YK Chan

1 正讀 Forward 

斜峰繞徑曲             Around precipitous peaks winding paths count,

聳石帶山連             Rocks shoot up in nexus on the mount.

花餘拂戲鳥             Flowers left standing birds play in their midst,

樹密隱鳴蟬             In woven branches hissing cicadas are hid.

 2 反讀 Reverse

 蟬鳴隱密樹             Cicadas hiss deep in thick woods top,

 鳥戲拂餘花             Frolicking birds flutter as flowers flop.

 連山帶石聳             The mount rises with rock columns high,

 曲徑繞峰斜             Winding paths wrap around steep peaks nigh.




送蓬仙兄返裡有感 (1916) 周恩來(1898-1976)

相逢萍水亦前緣  負笈津門豈偶然
捫虱傾談驚四座  持螯下酒話當年
險夷不變應嘗膽  道義爭擔敢息肩
待得歸農功滿日  他年預卜買鄰錢

[《送蓬仙兄返裡有感》三首詩,作於一九一六年初,以“飛飛”的筆名發表於《敬業》第四期上。詩題中的“蓬仙兄”,是周恩來的同學好友張蓬仙,東北吉林人。 他在一九一三年秋和周恩來同時考進天津南開學校,是“敬業樂群會”的三個發起人之一,並任會長。 週任副會長兼《敬業》主編。 他由東北老家去日本後一年,周恩來也去了日本,常有交往。 “九·一八”前後,張蓬仙貧病交加,死於北京。]

Seeing Peng Hsien Homebound   (1916) Three Poems  江紹倫譯

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初見紅楓  (2012年9月22日)


[ Dear Mr Tam,

Saw some new red maple leaves this morning. Such picturesque scenery might remind you of your stay in Toronto.  From Vancouver I send you get-well wishes with this verbal picture and hope it brings a sense of beauty and calmness with it.

Yu Fong Ying (61 grad) ]

《次皞如夫子傷時事原韻》 (1916) 周恩來 (1898-1976)

茫茫大陸起風雲  舉國昏沉豈足雲
最是傷心秋又到  蟲聲唧唧不堪聞

[ 張皞如《傷時事原韻》原詩:
《次皞如夫子傷時事原韻》,是周恩來為反對張勛復辟而寫的重要作品。 一九一六年,袁世凱死後,張勛為了打擊孫中山先生領導的民主革命,處心積慮,勾結各地軍閥,在徐州訂立臭名昭著的北洋七省軍事攻守同盟,妄圖復辟封建帝制。 “皞如夫子”,即張皞如先生。 他當時是天津市南開學校的教師,有愛國民主思想,支持學生的進步活動,曾應“敬業樂群會”的邀請,欣然加入該會的詩團。 當他從報紙上看到軍閥徐州會盟的消息時,十分氣憤,疾書《傷時事》一詩。 周恩來讀後,當即步韻奉和一首,一同發表在《敬業》第五期上。
周恩來和詩,從軍閥重開戰的風雲突變寫起,明確地指出,由反動軍閥所造成的“舉國昏沉”的黑暗局面,是不足道的,表現出敢於蔑視強暴和立志變革現實的革命精神。 後兩句,以草木搖落的秋天和淒切哀婉的蟲鳴作為像徵,暗示了封建軍閥張勛之輩復辟倒退的喧囂,正如秋蟲一樣,不過是死前的悲鳴而已。
--引自周秉德《周恩來詩聯集箋注》序 ]

Reply to Master Kao Yu
Grieving Over Current Events (1916) 江紹倫譯

Winds and clouds whirl over our motherland violent
Need it be said that our countrymen are dozy and indolent
The biggest torment is that autumn is again here
Whence noisy insects their chirrs pierce the ear

大風歌 劉邦

Song of Gale Winds*          LIU Bang (256 or 247 BCE – 195 BCE)

陳耀國 譯     Tr. YK Chan

大風起兮云飛揚          Gale winds blow wild clouds fly.

威加海內兮歸故鄉       Home coming now, I’ve conquered all within four


安得猛士兮守四方       For peace of mind fierce warriors guard the

                                  country for me?!


*After defeating all his adversaries, LIU Bang rose to his opportune height to become the first emperor of the Han Dynasty in 202 BCE.  However, his subordinates rebelled soon afterwards.  In 195 BCE after suppressing the rebellion of YING Bu 英布, Lord of Huai Nan 淮南王, LIU returned to his native Pei County 沛縣 (in Jiang Su Province 今江蘇省).  Celebrating his triumph with friends and relatives, he sang this song at the banquet.

Although just made up of three lines of verse, the song is rich in meaning.  It encompasses the satisfaction and hesitation of a victor, the enormous joy of forgetting oneself, as well as the anxiety and fear of the future.  Establishing an enterprise was difficult; keeping it was even more so.  That was why he yearned for fierce warriors to stand guard for his country.  Even with the majesty of an emperor, he still harboured some pathetic emotion of a commoner.  At the momentous and pompous superiority of power, he voiced sincere sentiments from the heart.


Source 取材自: <古詩三百首>, 曹明綱 編選, 高克勤丶王立翔等 注評.  2000年 上海古籍出版社



Teacher by SL Kong

               Teacher     by Kong Shiu Loon

Those were years of social transition
When teaching was still an admired profession
Young men and women saw it as a lifelong career
Helping children grow and thrive was a challenging frontier

I watched Ms Ho handling a pupil sent to her for disciplining
He had wronged a classmate with swearing and spitting
Ms Ho asked and patiently listened to the pupil his story
He showed defiance and elegance telling her not to worry

It was a long counseling session lasting for half an hour
In the end the pupil recognized his wrongs with tears and a deep bow
Ms Ho was in charge of disciplining pupils other teachers could not handle
Soft-spoken and sincere she approached them to win their hearts almost in total

Teaching to impart knowledge is one easy job
To help children see themselves and to be free and good is another job
Children of the computer age require not information from books
They must learn to know self and others to develop perspective outlooks

I remember Ms Ho handling eight or nine difficult pupils every week
There were times when she and pupil came to terms together weeped
I asked once why she had accepted such nervy tasks so willingly
She said giving herself to teaching came only naturally

[Before the 1997, Teachers’ Day 教師節 was on September 28. After the handover to the People’s Republic of China, the day was changed to September 10, which is when the PRC celebrates the holiday — Wikipedia]