长洪斗落生跳波 轻舟南下如投梭 水师绝叫凫雁起 乱石一线争磋磨
有如兔走鹰隼落 骏马下注千丈坡 断弦离柱箭脱手 飞电过隙珠翻荷
四山眩转风掠耳 但见流沫生千涡 险中得乐虽一快 何异水伯夸秋河
我生乘化日夜逝 坐觉一念逾新罗 纷纷争夺醉梦里 岂信荆棘埋铜驼
觉来俯仰失千劫 回视此水殊委蛇 君看岸边苍石上 古来篙眼如蜂窠
但应此心无所住 造物虽驶如余何 回船上马各归去 多言哓哓师所呵
Hundred Pace Rapids__Su Shi (1037-1101) 江紹倫譯
Waves leap stirred up by the long rapids steeply fall
On the river a skiff glides southward like a shooting ball
Water birds take fright startled by boatmen calls
Through scattered rocks it sails straight forward evermore
Like darting hares and wing-spread eagles sour
Like wild horses race downhill its slope freely fall
Like a lute string snaps and an arrow out of the bow
Lightning cleaves the sky and raindrops on lotus leaves rollMountains shake in all directions swept by whirling winds
Witness the churning currents boil in a thousand whirlpools
Delighted with the gentle risks though the win momentary
Unlike the river-god boasting its rules so permanently
Life will pass just as water flows so incessantly
An insight can in a wink travel the spheres and beyond
People strive to win without stop in drunken dreams
Knowing not that palaces will be buried under thriving weeds
Awake they will regret having missed the fun of a thousand deeds
On arrival here one sees how freely the river rolls
Observe the riverside rocks standing on unchanging rows
You will see honeycomb marks etched by busy punt poles
Should this mind be freed from material greed
No gods could change circumstances you hold meek
Let’s return home on a boat or a steed
The Abbot here dislikes fain arguments indeed