相逢萍水亦前緣 負笈津門豈偶然
捫虱傾談驚四座 持螯下酒話當年
險夷不變應嘗膽 道義爭擔敢息肩
待得歸農功滿日 他年預卜買鄰錢
[《送蓬仙兄返裡有感》三首詩,作於一九一六年初,以“飛飛”的筆名發表於《敬業》第四期上。詩題中的“蓬仙兄”,是周恩來的同學好友張蓬仙,東北吉林人。 他在一九一三年秋和周恩來同時考進天津南開學校,是“敬業樂群會”的三個發起人之一,並任會長。 週任副會長兼《敬業》主編。 他由東北老家去日本後一年,周恩來也去了日本,常有交往。 “九·一八”前後,張蓬仙貧病交加,死於北京。]
Seeing Peng Hsien Homebound (1916) Three Poems 江紹倫譯
We met by chance predestination
Classmates inTientsinnot any accident
Your eloquence stuns even intimate friends
O’er wines and crabs we criticize every current event
Hardship and suffering we endure to rid of our foes
For our motherland no one is shy to fight and defend
Whence enemy gone we promise to turn to the land
Plots of land rented we will be neighboring farm hands
送蓬仙兄返裡有感 (1916)
東風催異客 南浦唱驪歌
轉眼人千里 消魂夢一柯
星離成恨事 雲散奈愁何
欣喜前塵影 因緣文字多
Seeing Peng Hsien Homebound (1916) 江紹倫譯
As the east wind hurried passengers on board
We sang parting songs from the south shore
You are a thousand li away in a twinkle
A dream souls tingle
Stars gone confirming separation regrets
Clouds dispersed sorrows stay intact
Fond are images of being together merry
We talked and wrote words never too many
送蓬仙兄返裡有感 (1916)
同儕爭疾走 君獨著先鞭
作嫁憐儂拙 急流讓爾賢
群鴉戀晚樹 孤雁入寥天
惟有交遊舊 臨歧意悵然
Seeing Peng Hsien Homebound (1916) 江紹倫譯
Our peers race to go home fast
You whipped your horse ahead of us
Although clumsy caring for things tiny
You excel in alacrity as you ride tides mighty
Crows choose to roost on thick leafy trees
To scour the boundless sky only a special geese
For friendship everlasting
Parting pains linger lasting