《憶秦娥 • 龍潭口》納蘭性德 (1655-1685) 江紹倫英譯

《憶秦娥 • 龍潭口》納蘭性德 (1655-1685)

山重叠  懸崖一線天疑裂  天疑裂  斷碑題字  古苔横嚙

風聲雷動鳴金鐵  陰森潭底蛟龙龍窟  蛟龍窟  興亡满眼  舊時明月

《Tune: Remembering Qin Maiden•Black Dragon Pool》Nalan Xinde Continue reading

《獨立》杜甫(710-770) __ 江紹倫英譯

《獨立》杜甫 (710-770)

空外一鷙鳥   河間雙白鷗   飄颻搏擊便   容易往來遊
草露亦多濕   蛛絲仍未收   天機近人事   獨立萬端憂

《Standing Alone》Du Fu

Up yonder sky an eagle hovers high
Down river two gulls float feathers white
The eagle may swoop down for prey as it pleases
To and fro the pairing gulls swim at ease

Moistened by dew the grass is tangling wet
Looking for prey the spider widens its net
Nature cares for the well beings of everyone
Alone I wish all things are equal as one

《採桑子》納蘭性德 (1655 – 1685) 江紹倫英譯


明月多情應笑我  笑我如今  辜負春心  獨自閒行獨自吟
近來怕說當時事  結遍蘭襟  月淺燈深  夢裡雲歸何處尋

《Tune: Gathering Mulberries》Nalan Xinde

The caring moon should laugh at me
Laugh the way that is me
Oblivious of this beautiful spring
Alone I stroll and alone I sing

Reluctant to recall the way we were
Our friendship truthful and adored
The midnight lamp burning deep the moon fading
In my dream I ride on clouds not knowing wherein

『蝶戀花』納蘭性德 (1655-1685) __江紹倫英譯

『蝶戀花』納蘭性德 (1655-1685)

眼底風光留不住  和暖和香  又上雕鞍去  欲倩煙絲遮別路  垂楊那是相思樹
惆悵玉顏成間阻  何事東風  不作繁華主  斷帶依然留乞句  斑騅一繫無尋處

《Tune: Butterfly loves flowers》Nalan Xingde (1655-1685)

Happy days gone cannot be retained
Warmth and fragrance in harmony gained
They pass away like galloping horses
How I’d like to see you more only blocked by smoke
Also willow branches they are symbols for pinning

It is painful to recall your beautiful face from screens
Why ye east wind
Helps not to bring back fond memories of yore
On your severed belt is written our love verses
Words faded the verses are no more

【秋】致好友 To Bosom Friends

Tr. YK Chan 2014-09-07

秋 Fall
似酒 Like wine
味醇厚 Tastes mellow and thick
歲月悠悠 Time streams leisurely
轉身又回首 Turn around to look back again
再撫喜樂哀愁 Revisit all emotional joys and woes
往事如煙花依舊 The past looks like firework that’s gone by
唯友誼綿長如水流 Only friendship as a river meanders forever
只緣一路有你陪著走 Walking along the same path by your side
沐晨曦擷彩霞雨中漫遊 At dawn in drenching rain and colourful mist we stroll
待到紅葉濃時再聚首 Until leaves turn crimson we again get together
品茶論酒賞石敘舊 In reunion to savour fine tea, wine or jewel
落英滿地雲舒袖 Waving arms above that flowered-covered ground
歡聲笑語不休 Boisterous laughter and cheer end not
夕陽掛枝頭 When the sun setting upon tree tops
紅塵看透 Peering through mundane life bygone
別無求 Nothing else to wish for
靜候 But serenely await
秋 Fall

(正念反念,意境不同。 A different mood is felt when the original Chinese version is read in forward or reverse.)

祝中秋快樂! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!


《琵琶仙: 中秋》納蘭性德(1655-1685) __江紹倫英譯

《琵琶仙: 中秋》納蘭性德mid-autumn

碧海年年   試問取   冰輪為誰圓缺   吹到一片秋香   清輝瞭如雪   愁中看好天良夜   知道盡成悲咽   只影而今   那堪重對   舊時明月

花徑裡   戲捉迷藏   曾惹下蕭蕭井梧葉    記否輕紈小扇   又幾番涼熱   只落得   填膺百感  總茫茫   不關離別   一任紫玉無情   夜寒吹裂

《Tune: Pi Pa Immortals – Mid-Autumn》 Nalan Xingde (1655-1685)

Green clear sky year by year
I ask
For whom the moon crests and fully appears Continue reading

《馬嵬驛》袁枚 (1716-1797) __ 江紹倫英譯

《馬嵬驛》袁枚 (1716-1797)


《Beauty Legend》  Yuan Mei (1716-1797)

Sing not the Long Regret Song of days gone
The Milky Way on earth happily lives on
When at an ordinary village man and wife separate
More than in the Palace of Long Life tears are shed

《曲江二首》杜甫(710-770) __ 江紹倫英譯


一片花飛減卻春  風飄萬點正愁人
且看欲盡花經眼  莫厭傷多酒入唇
江上小堂巢翡翠  花邊高冢臥麒麟
細推物理須行樂  何用浮名絆此身

朝回日日典春衣  每日江頭盡醉歸
酒債尋常行處有  人生七十古來稀
穿花蛺蝶深深見  點水蜻蜓款款飛
傳語風光共流轉  暫時相賞莫相違

《The Winding River — Two Poems》Du Fu

A single falling petal has spring spent
Myriad colorful dots in the wind a worrisome man stands
Enjoy the sumptuous beauty as petals fly pass the eye
Spare no grief as you wet your lips with mellow wines Continue reading

《登樓》杜甫 (710-770) __ 江紹倫英譯

《登樓》杜甫 (710-770)

花近高樓傷客心   萬方多難此登臨
錦江春色來天地   玉壘浮雲變古今

北極朝廷終不改   西山寇盜莫相侵
可憐後主還祠廟   日暮聊為梁父吟

《Atop the Tower》Du Fu (710-770)

Seeing flowers stray around the tower my heart grieves
In the chaos I ascend the tower to view all corners
By the River Jin spring colors burst everywhere seen
Above the Jade Mount clouds change as human affairs had been

Stupor is our government unchanging as the North Star
We must stop the forays of foreign invaders and hold them there
Pity the temple of the Late Emperor Liu
In the evening gloom I sing a threnody whence due

《絕句二首》杜甫 (710-770) __ 江紹倫英譯

《絕句二首》杜甫 (710-770)

(其一)                                                  (其二)

遲日江山麗  春風花草香                    江碧鳥逾白  山青花欲燃
泥融飛燕子  沙暖睡鴛鴦                    今春看又過  何日是歸年

《Two Quatrains》Du Fu

Under the late setting sun this landscape is beautiful
Vernal breezes fill the air with sweet vegetation scents plentiful
Swallows build nests carrying mud in tiny beaks
On warm sands mandarin ducks nod too content to speak Continue reading