《農夫問道》《問答》《如何見佛》《問法號》 布袋和尚(唐) __ 江紹倫英譯

《農夫問道》 布袋和尚(唐)


《To a Farmer 》Cotton Bag Monk (Tang Dynasty)

I plant a rich paddy field tender shoots in hand
In the water the sky smiles at me as I bow my head
Keeping my mind serene I surely see the Way
Every backward step means forward progress made Continue reading

《浣溪沙》《採桑子》歐陽修(1007-1072) __ 江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Silky Sand Brook》Ouyang Xu

堤上游人逐畫船        People on the dyke follow the ornate boat
拍堤春水四垂天        Spring tides caress the shore their froths unfold
綠楊樓外出鞦韆        From outside the green wall a swing occasionally shows Continue reading

《鷓鴣天》蘇軾 (1037-1101) __江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Partridge Sky》Su Shi

林斷山明竹隱墻        Where woods divide and bamboos hide the hills are vivid
亂蟬衰草小池塘        On wilted grass cicadas sing on a pond’s limit
翻空白鳥時時見        White birds show their skillful wings before our eyes
照水紅蕖細細香        Reflected on fragrant red lilies they frequently shine Continue reading

《四月卄四日初逢燕歸》__ 余晃英 (61)



** (燕巢初築於鄰家無門車房,後被鄰居搗毀, 無復見了, 想仍在附近吧。)


《滿江紅: 寄鄂州朱使君壽昌》 蘇軾 (1037-1101) 江紹倫英譯

《Tune: River All Red – To Officer Zhu》Su Shi

江漢西來        The Yangzi and Han rivers from the west meet
高樓下                        Right at the tall Crane Tower’s feet
葡萄深碧        Waters green as grapes
猶自帶                        They carry
岷峨雲浪        Snow ripples from Mt. Omei
錦江春色        To display spring in scenic beauty
君是南山遺愛守        You are the benevolent officer from South Mountain
我為劍外思歸客        I a roamer longing for my native Sichuan home
對此間                                    On this encounter
風物豈無情                All events and times are rich in affection
殷勤說                        To dialogue in satisfaction Continue reading

《江城子》蘇軾 (1037-1101)__ 江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Riverside City Song》 Su Shi

墨雲拖雨過西樓        Dark clouds carry heavy rain past tower west
水東流                                    Heavy currents eastward crest
晚煙收                                    Evening haze ceased
柳外殘陽                    Beyond the willows the sun sets in peace
回照動簾鉤                Its lingering rays shine on curtain hooks
今夜巫山真個好        How wonderful this night is in Mt Mu
花未落                                    Flowers blooming still
酒新篘                                    New wines drained and full Continue reading

《酒泉子》潘閬(?-1009) __ 江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Wine Spring Song》Pan Lang

長憶觀潮                    Tide watching stays in my memory always
滿郭人爭江上望        The city was out to watch the majestic beauty
來疑滄海盡成空        Tides came as if the sea was being emptied
萬面鼓聲中                Thunders roared from ten thousand places Continue reading

《滿江紅•登黃鶴樓有感》岳飛(1103-1142) __ 江紹倫英譯

《Tune: River all Red•Thoughts up the Yellow Crane Tower》Yue Fei

遙望中原                                          I gaze on the Central Plain far away
荒煙外                                 Beyond the wasteland
許多城郭                                          How many deserted towns and city walls
想當年                                 In years of yore
花遮柳護                                          Behind screens of lush willows and colorful flowers
鳳樓龍閣                                          Stood many bowers and majestic towers
萬歲山前珠翠繞                   The Royal Hill adorned in pearls and emeralds
篷壺殿里笙歌作                   In the Fairy Palace flute songs echo
到而今 鐵騎滿郊畿                  Now behold enemy iron horses trod all over
風塵惡                                 Followed by dusts in fierce gusts Continue reading