《念奴嬌》 (宋) 蘇軾(1037—1101)

憑高眺遠    見長空萬里  雲無留迹

玉宇瓊樓    乘鸞來去

舉杯邀月    對影成三客

便欲乘風    翻然歸去
水晶宮裡    一聲吹斷橫笛

Tune Charm of a Maiden Dancer     Su Shi(1037—1101)江紹倫譯

I stand high on platform to look wide and far
The sky an expense of ten thousand li vast
Clouds left leaving not a strand of white
The moon glints with her soul pure and bright
Water reflects lights gleam back to the sky
The universe agrows with autumn green divine

Palaces and towers of ornaments and carve jade
They come and go carried by legendary crane
He who lives in dwellings of cool simplicity will appreciate
Our motherland picturesque like art in display
Through diligent strif these are seen with no delay

I get drunk and clap my hands in great delight
To the moon I raise my cup to invite
Together with my shadow three good friends we might
We dance and dance till dews alight
Unconcerned till day and year this night

O wind may I ride on your wings
And return home in a wink
Who needs the big bird its wide-spread wings
Inside the crystal palace
A single tune shatters my flute into two pieces

滁州西澗 (唐)韋應物(約737-792)

獨憐幽草澗邊生    上有黃鸝深樹鳴
春潮帶雨晚來急    野渡無人舟自橫

A Stream West of Chuxhou               Wei Yin Wu(737-792)江紹倫譯

Fondly I walk at riverside where green grass grow
Deep in a nearby wood orioles sing melodies of old
Swelling from rain spring tides rise fast towards dusk
A vacant night ferry makes its athwart float as it must

寄李儋元錫 (唐)韋應物(約737-792)

去年花里逢君別    今日花開又一年
世事茫茫難自料    春愁黯黯獨成眠
身多疾病思田裡    邑有流亡愧俸錢
聞道欲來相問訊    西樓望月幾回圓

To Li Dan       Wei Yin Wu(737-792)江紹倫譯

We met and parted last year in flower season
Flowers bloom again ’tis another year at present
Worldly affairs are so changeable to my dismay
Worries many even in spring I lie in bed thoughts far away
In ill health I think of my rural homestead with fond memory
I feel shameful I can’t help the hungry folks with my meagre salary
Ever since I got word of your impending visit here
I’ve been watching for full moon and our reunion comes near

寄全椒山中道士 (唐)韋應物(約737-792)

今朝郡齋冷  忽念山中客
澗底束荊薪  歸來煮白石
欲持一瓢酒  遠慰風雨夕
落葉滿空山  何處尋行跡

To my Friend the Taoist Hermit       Wei Yin Wu(737-792)江紹倫譯

‘Tis so cold in my study this morn
I think of you living deep in the mount
Gathering dry twigs from the river bed
I boil white pebbles for soup and dine so glad
A gourd of my best brew for you I wish to deliver
In this rainy cold eve so we may share together
Fallen leaves have the hills covered slope to slope
Where could I find traces of you to fulfil this hope

芙蓉樓送辛漸 (唐)王昌齡(698-756)

寒雨連江夜入吳    平明送客楚山孤
洛陽親友如相問    一片冰心在玉壺

Adieu Xin Jian            Wang Chang Ling(698-756)江紹倫譯

You and I arrived at City Wu in cold rain last evening
By the solitary Chu Mountain I bid you farewell this morning
If my kins in the Capital should inquire about my well being
Tell them my mind is cool as ice in a wine jar made of jade

出塞 (唐)王昌齡(698-756)

秦時明月漢時關    萬里長征人未還
但使龍城飛將在    不教胡馬度陰山

On the Frontier          Wang Chang Ling (698-756)江紹倫譯

The moon of the Chin Dynasty now shines on the gates of Han
Guarding the Great Wall a thousand li many warriors are no longer around
Were the Speedy General of Dragon City still abound
No Tartar steed would be allowed this side of Yin Shen


垂釣綠灣春  春深杏花亂
潭清疑水淺  荷動知魚散
日暮待情人  維舟綠楊岸

Fishing Bay                Chu Guang Xi (707-760)          江紹倫譯

I fish at Green Bay on a fine spring day
Apricots blossom wild on these late spring days
Seeing water clear I suspect the pool to be shallow
Watching moves of lotus plants I know where fishes go
I wait for my lover to appear when the sun sets low
And moor my boat on a bank of green willows