君自故鄉來 應知故鄉事
來日綺窗前 寒梅著花未
A Recontre Wang Wei(698-756)江紹倫譯
Since you just came from my native land
I wonder if you hold large and small events in hand
Whence you passed by the window of my home
Was the winter plum already in bloom
君自故鄉來 應知故鄉事
來日綺窗前 寒梅著花未
A Recontre Wang Wei(698-756)江紹倫譯
Since you just came from my native land
I wonder if you hold large and small events in hand
Whence you passed by the window of my home
Was the winter plum already in bloom
【雜思】 王維
君自故鄉來 應知故鄉事
來日綺窗前 寒梅著花未
Miscellaneous Thoughts Wang Wei (701-761)
You came from my village, with news you say.
Has my plum tree — growing by the bower
And carved windows — you left the wintry day,
Begun decking itself with fine flowers?
(tr. frank c w yue)
my apologies for posting a rather gritty translation above, not quite up to the v high standards of your contributors. kindly replace it with the following ‘more faithful’ version (touched up by andrew w.f. wong, to whom i’m grateful):
1 My fellow villager, now that you are here,
2 You would know the things back home to me held dear.
3 By the carved windows, at your departure hour,
4 Were the winter plum trees beginning to flower?