雜詩 (唐)王維(701-761)

君自故鄉來  應知故鄉事
來日綺窗前  寒梅著花未

A Recontre     Wang Wei(698-756)江紹倫譯

Since you just came from my native land
I wonder if you hold large and small events in hand
Whence you passed by the window of my home
Was the winter plum already in bloom

2 thoughts on “雜詩 (唐)王維(701-761)

  1. 【雜思】 王維
    君自故鄉來 應知故鄉事
    來日綺窗前 寒梅著花未

    Miscellaneous Thoughts Wang Wei (701-761)
    You came from my village, with news you say.
    Has my plum tree — growing by the bower
    And carved windows — you left the wintry day,
    Begun decking itself with fine flowers?

    (tr. frank c w yue)

  2. my apologies for posting a rather gritty translation above, not quite up to the v high standards of your contributors. kindly replace it with the following ‘more faithful’ version (touched up by andrew w.f. wong, to whom i’m grateful):

    1 My fellow villager, now that you are here,
    2 You would know the things back home to me held dear.
    3 By the carved windows, at your departure hour,
    4 Were the winter plum trees beginning to flower?


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