《遊七星岩_1959》朱德 (1886-1976) 江紹倫英譯

《Travelling the Seven-Star Cliffs_1959》 Zhu De

七星降人間  The seven immortals have come to dwell on earthly sight
仙姿實可攀  Their fairy peaks we could now freely climb7-Star
久居高要地  They had dwelled on lands high
仍是發沖冠  Trees and greeneries loam over their tops nigh
開心才見膽  Happily we see their bosoms opened wide
破腹任人鑽  Allowing travelers to loiter as much as they like
腹中天地闊  Inside the hills a world of wonders in space wide
常有渡人船  People paddle boats through rather than hike

《太行春感_1939》朱德(1886-1976) 江紹倫英譯

《太行春感_1939》朱德《Spring Thoughts at Mt. Taiheng_1939》 Zhu De

遠望春光鎮日陰  From afar the town Spring Light looks cloudy
太行高聳氣森森  The towering Mt. Taiheng has an air eerie
忠肝不洒中原淚  Dutiful sons of our motherland shed no tears leaving the central plain
壯志堅持北代心  Determined we will drive the enemy north our will pristine
百戰新師驚賊膽  The New Army in many battles has shattered Japanese guts to ruins
三年苦斗獻吾身  In three years of bitter fighting I have devoted to pursue victory
從來燕趙多豪傑  Our country has seen many heroes and fierce fighters in history
驅逐倭兒共一樽  We will drink to celebrate whence we rid of the Japan dwarfs totally

《出太行_1940》《To Friends_1941》朱德(1886-1976) 江紹倫英譯

《出太行_1940》《Out of Mt. Taiheng_1940》 Zhu De

群峰壁立太行頭  Mt. Taiheng’s many peaks stand like a solid wall
天險黃河一望收  Towering on the Yellow River shores seen once for all
兩岸烽煙紅似火  Battling fires on both banks burn like red fire
此行當可慰同仇  This campaign will rid of our common enemy entire

【一九四Ο年五月,經洛陽去重慶談判,中途返延安。是時抗戰緊急,內戰又起,國人皆憂。】 Continue reading

《和李印泉先生〈”七七”三週年紀念贈抗戰將士〉原韵_1940年夏》朱德 (1866-1976) 江紹倫英譯


《To Our Defense Fighters on Anniversary of Japanese Invasion (1940 summer)》Zhu De

報國仇同志亦同  We defend our motherland hates and determinations equal
精誠團結伏強戎  With unbending devotion we unite to nail the savage foe
新師少壯身猶健  A new army youthful and skilled we stand
掃寇歸來唱大風  After defeating the dwarfs we together sang Continue reading

《寄語蜀中父老_1939》朱德 (1886-1976) 江紹倫英譯

《To My Elders in Szechuan _1939》Zhu De

佇馬太行側  We keep our steeds on the slope of Mt. Taiheng
十月雪飛白  In the tenth month white snow fly in the air and descend
戰士仍衣單  Wearing thin clothes our soldiers bravely endure the cold
夜夜殺倭賊  Days and nights they kill the Japanese dwarfs in total

《秋興八首用杜甫韻 (其三)》朱德 (1886-1976) 江紹倫英譯

《秋興八首用杜甫韻 (其三)_1919》  《Autumn Thoughts _1919 》Zhu De

重光祖國借餘暉  To reclaim our motherland we uphold the traditional spirit
萬眾同心用力微  Ten thousand people in one heart our efforts splendid
毳幕腥羶終寂寞  The Manchu Dynasty its end has finally arrived
漢家子弟盡雄飛  Youthful Hans are fletching their wings in flight Continue reading

《悼亡诗〔七首〕》朱德 (1886-1976) 江紹倫英譯

《Remembering my Late Wife (1919) 》Zhu De

(1) 1919年11月

Fate has made us husband and wife when China is in disarray
Painful I now realize you are dead and forever away
Engaging guns and bullets my life is not normal
You escape to the underworld perhaps too fearful  Continue reading

《為柳亞子題詩_1945.12.8》朱德 (1886-1976) 江紹倫英譯

《To Liu Ya Zi (1945.12.8)》 Zhu De

莫將勝利歸麟閣Zhu De2
Deeds of victory belongs not the Hall of Fame for Ministers
We are soldiers of the people our identity simpler
We love not riches nor do we fear death
For democracy we build a new Great Wall in defense

《和董必武同志“三台即景”_1940年》朱德 (1886-1976) __江紹倫英譯

《On the Triple Terrace – Harmony with Comrade Dong Bi Wu (1940) 》Zhu De

秋初日暖看飛鴻  On an early autumn warm day we watch the wild geese
延水青山在眼中  The frontier rills and green hills we vividly see
赤足渡河防驟雨  Crossing the river in bare feet we avoided a sudden attack
科頭失帽遇狂風  Against the brisk wind our caps fly away from our heads Continue reading

《擬杜甫 “諸將五首” 其一》 朱德 (1886-1976) 江紹論英譯

《擬杜甫“諸將五首”其一》 朱德

【漢朝陵墓對南山/  胡虜千秋尚入關/ 昨日玉魚蒙葬地/  早時金碗出人間/ 見愁汗馬西戎逼/  曾閃朱旗北斗殷/ 多少材官守涇渭/  將軍且莫破愁顏】

《Mt. Lun the Chinese Spirit_1916》Zhu De 江紹論英譯Zhu De1

中華靈氣在侖山  On Mt. Lun lives esprit chinois
威勢飛揚鎮遠關  It rises mighty to watch the frontiers far
史穢推翻光史冊  A shameful era ended our history books in review
人權再鑄重人間  Humanity enriched with human rights renewed
千秋漢業同天永  A thousand years of Han culture will thrive eternal;
五色旌旗映日殷  In sunshine our five-color flag flashes formal
多少英才一時見  How many elite sons appear on a day like this
諸君愛國應開顏  They show their patriotism laughing heartily