《秋興八首用杜甫韻 (其三)_1919》 《Autumn Thoughts _1919 》Zhu De
重光祖國借餘暉 To reclaim our motherland we uphold the traditional spirit
萬眾同心用力微 Ten thousand people in one heart our efforts splendid
毳幕腥羶終寂寞 The Manchu Dynasty its end has finally arrived
漢家子弟盡雄飛 Youthful Hans are fletching their wings in flight
喜當年富兼身壯 Our strong bodies and cultured lives we pride
時正秋高又馬肥 Our steeds fat we reap this autumn harvest its yields high
戎馬少年半同學 Half of my comrades are former classmates
傾心為國志無違 To build up a prosperous and strong country we dedicate