《詠茶》丁謂(966-1033) __ 江紹倫英譯

《詠茶》丁謂(966-1033) 《In Praise of Tea》Ding Wei

建水正寒清 Water from Jian Stream is cool and clean
茶民已夙興 Tea farmers rise early feeling keen
萌芽生社雨 Tender leaves appear before Festival Grain and Rain
採掇帶春水 Picking them one avoids not the frost of spring Continue reading

《書友人屋壁》魏野(960-1019) 江紹倫英譯

《書友人屋壁》魏野(960-1019)  《Written on the Wall of a Friend’s House》Wei Ye

達人輕祿位 A wise man views powerful positions not inviting
居處傍林泉 Settling house near woods and springs
洗硯魚吞墨 Washing his inkwell he feeds fishes with ink
烹茶鶴避煙 Brewing tea birds fly away to avoid smoking Continue reading



册中《拿了60分的一篇作文》,有〝…一想向梁愛玉老師致敬…〞之句。猶記當年你初到九華就讀中一,同校一年後,七七年我移民加國, 離任前得梁愛玉老師到校任教。數拾載耕耘,梁老師亦退休矣。


[華仁新一代 _劉進圖]

《穎公遺碧霄峰茶》梅堯臣(1002-1060) 江紹倫英譯

《穎公遺碧霄峰茶》梅堯臣(1002-1060)  《Green Cliff Zenith Tea》Mei Yau Zhen

到山春已晚 I arrive at the mountain in late spring
何更行新茶 Why new tea still available to reign
峰頂應多雨 High up in the peak rains are plentiful
天寒始發芽 Tender leaves await cold weather to show Continue reading

《Early memories of Hong Kong 》__ Teresa Yu

[Note: We are happy to share this article from Teresa Yu with our readers. She is sister of John余蔚廷 (’65), Marcus余蔚文 and Louis余蔚琪 (both ’67). She had taught both at Smith College and Simon Fraser University.]WaterRationing

They called it “a borrowed place within a borrowed time.”  And that was how we all felt about Hong Kong growing up there years ago.  My parents never dreamt of living, not to mention raising a family there.  It was all an accident or, rather, the result of collective bad karma…

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《建茶》晏殊(991-1055) 江紹倫英譯

《建茶》晏殊(991-1055) 《Jian On Tea》Yan Shu

北苑中春岫幌開 Hills in Fujian are showing signs of mid-spring
裡民清曉駕肩來 Farmers carry baskets to train up the slope for tea picking
豐隆已助新芽出 Thunders and rains are hurrying tender leaves to thrive
更作歡聲動地摧 Chorus of joy shattering the earth here and there rise

《煎茶》成彥雄(唐) 江紹倫英譯



《煎茶》成彥雄(唐) 《Brew Tea》Cheng Yan Xiong (Tang Dynasty)

嶽寺春深睡起時 At the mountain temple I rise in a spring morn
虎跑泉畔思遲遲 My mind goes to the Tiger Run Spring on and on
蜀茶倩個雲僧碾 I ask a roaming monk from Sichuan to grind tea
自拾枯鬆三四枝 While I gather dry twigs four or three