《章臺夜思》 韋莊(836 — 910)__ 江紹倫英譯

《章臺夜思》  韋莊(836 — 910)
《Night Thoughts on Terrace Tower》  Wei Zhuang

清瑟怨遙夜  A sighing lute laments the night being long
繞弦風雨哀  The string melodies sad as wind and rain
孤燈聞楚角  By the lamplight I hear bugles roaring on
殘月下章台  Beyond Terrace Tower the moon steadily wanes Continue reading

《A Christmas Story》 __ Vincent Lee (65)

I don’t have that many stories to show my Jesuit teaching, but this one sticks out in my mind – to this day, especially around Christmas Fr Chantime.  It happened more than 20 years ago.
In the early 1990s, exact year I can’t remember (likely ’93 or 94), there was a large influx of refugees from Yugoslavia into North America escaping their civil war.  I remember the period, because before around 2000, I used to keep my in-the-mall clinic open twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays, to 8 PM to accommodate working class patients who could not get time off their day job, and I was always busy after 6 PM.
It was a very cold snowy evening about a week before Christmas.  Continue reading

《江鄉故人偶集客舍》戴叔倫(732-789)__ 江紹倫英譯

《Meeting My Old Friend by Chance at an Inn》Dai Shulun

天秋月又满  A full moon hangs on an autumn sky
城闕夜千重  This city harbours a thousand roofs on this night
還作江南會  What a wonder we meet in this southern land
翻疑夢裡逢  Could it be just a dream for us to comprehend Continue reading

《Digital History》__Adam Chen

If you were to ask an average American when the last time they studied history was, they might say high school or college. For most people, history stops being relevant when they enter the adult world. The field of history as it exists today consists of scholars who conduct meaningful historical research, publish their findings in academic journals, and profoundly impact our understanding of history. However, the advent of digital history has begun to reshape the field.
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《雜詩》無名氏(唐代) __ 江紹倫英譯

《A Poem》 Anonymous (Tang Dynasty)

近寒食雨草萋萋  Grass grows lush with rains from Cold Food Day
著麥苗風柳咉堤  Wheat stalks wave while willows cast shadows in lake
等是有家歸不得  Concerned that my home is too far for me to return
杜鵑休向耳邊啼  I ask cuckoos not to sing their homeward songs

《中國行 2015_巴音善岱廟》__陳柏齡(71)





《春雨》李商隱 (813-858) __ 江紹倫英譯

《春雨》李商隱 《Spring Rain》Li Shang Yin 

悵卧新春白祫衣  Listlessly I lie in early spring wearing white
白門寥落意多違  To the White Gate I searched for you a plight
紅樓隔雨相望冷  Beyond the mists your red chamber is cold to behold
珠箔飄燈獨自歸  Alone I ride my carriage in dim light to go home Continue reading