《春雨》李商隱 《Spring Rain》Li Shang Yin
悵卧新春白祫衣 Listlessly I lie in early spring wearing white
白門寥落意多違 To the White Gate I searched for you a plight
紅樓隔雨相望冷 Beyond the mists your red chamber is cold to behold
珠箔飄燈獨自歸 Alone I ride my carriage in dim light to go home
遠路應悲春晼晚 Being far away you must be sad to see spring away
殘宵猶得夢依稀 I dream of you last night appearing frail
玉璫緘札何由達 I search a way to send you a pair of jade earrings
萬里雲羅一雁飛 O’er ten thousand li only a single goose is flying