Remembering Mr. Kong __ Fred Yip (71)

Having been taught by Mr. Kong for three years, beginning in Form 1 and ending in Form 7, I would feel gravelyFrancis Kong copy_1 amiss if I do not put in a word or two about the English teacher that I know and deeply respect.

I first entered Wah Yan in 1966 and Mr. Kong was teaching Reading in my Form 1C class. At that time, of all teachers, he was the most feared. Like a drill sergeant in the US Army that one saw in the films, he was very strict with us. He would make anyone who misbehaved in class stand on top of the desk or slap the palm of his hand with a ruler made of either wood or steel.  While he was teaching or reading a passage, nobody dared to chat.  Continue reading …

Nelson Mandela and Invitus__江紹倫

RIP (13.12.05)

RIP (13.12.05)

Invitus                                                          不敗的心   威廉亨利

by William Earnest Henley                               江紹倫譯

Out of the night that covers me,                    渡着覊困漫漫長夜
Black as the pit from pole to pole,                  那陰陽極間的漆黑深淵
I thank whatever gods may be                       我感謝上蒼神明
For my unconquerable soul.                            賜給我不可戰勝的靈魂

In the fell clutch of circumstance                   身陷生死關頭
I have not winced nor cried aloud.                 我從不畏縮或喊嚷
Under the bludgeonings of chance                   縱受困於無情控制
My head is bloody, but unbowed.                   我血破的頭不曾俯屈

Beyond this place of wrath and tears                 憤怒與哭泣以外
Looms but the Horror of the shade                    瀰漫着地獄般的恐怖
And yet the menace of the years                      不過面對無盡威迫
Finds and shall find me unafraid.                      我堅持無懼

It matters not how strait the gate,                   不管牢閘如何緊閉
How charged with punishments the scroll,       不管罪狀何其殘苛
I am the master of my fate:                              我是命運的主宰
I am the captain of my soul.                              我是靈魂的舵手

“This poem had accompanied Nelson Mandela in a tiny prison cell for 27 years. It helped him to endure all the hardship and fear to become a man without fear. He got elected the first president of free South Africa. He conquered a nation of hate and turned it to a nation of tolerance, hoping to achieve harmony one day. All these are seen in the movie Invictus.” __ 江紹倫

Poem read by Sir Alan Bates (1934-2003):

Iron Chef Travelogue — #15__ David Wong (64)

Fettuccini and Clams

Fettuccini and Clams

The hardest part of making this dish is to prevent the clams from overdone. Clams overcook can be rubbery and if undercooked, it tasted raw fish. The seafood broth has to be made first, clams add at the very last. Once it is done, toss the fettuccini with the sauce and serve immediately. It is a healthy dish and I could stay there and eat all day.

Iron Chef Travelogue — Episode 15 — “Mangi, Mangi”

《Spring Drawing 2》by Robert Hass (b1941) 江紹倫譯

《春展  2 __ 羅伯特‧哈斯  江紹倫譯

Robert Hass

Robert Hass

A man says lilacs against white houses, two sparrows, one streaked, in a  thinning birch, and can’t find his way to a sentence.

In order to be respectable, Thorstein Veblen said, desperate in Palo Alto, a thing must be wasteful, i.e., “a selective adaptation of forms to  the end of conspicuous waste.”
即是說造形必須展示明顯的廢棄 Continue reading

《送別 》 王維 (701~761)

下馬飲君酒    問君何所之
君言不得意    歸臥南山陲
但去莫複問    白雲無盡時

《Parting》      Wang Wei            江紹倫譯

Dismounted I drink with you
Enquiring what lies in view
You say things are not according to will
You are retiring in the South Hill
I’ll ask no further you just be gone
Clouds will drift freely on Continue reading

肥佬市長__two sides of the coin (Class of 71)


可否同大家介紹一下貴國的巿長,Ford nation, 此肥佬已經成為世界頭條新聞(菲律賓台風,obamacare 排二三)。我每日打開 CNN 就見到他俾人圍攻,他一時淚流滿面道歉,一時嘈巴之閉大突圍。




Don (LA). Continue reading