《送別 》 王維 (701~761)

下馬飲君酒    問君何所之
君言不得意    歸臥南山陲
但去莫複問    白雲無盡時

《Parting》      Wang Wei            江紹倫譯

Dismounted I drink with you
Enquiring what lies in view
You say things are not according to will
You are retiring in the South Hill
I’ll ask no further you just be gone
Clouds will drift freely on

Farewell       Wang Wei            江紹倫譯  (Posted on December 4, 2009)
We dismounted our horses to have a cup of wine
I ask for your destination before we say good-bye
You say you have left your unhappy career aside
And on your way home where South Mount stands behind
I say not a word more as I see you on your way
Knowing well you’ll have no lack of white clouds for company where you stay

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