古文粵譯:楚辭 漁父 __ 梁煥松 (71)




屈原話:「成個世界都污糟邋遢,得我一個清白;個個人都醉醺醺,就得我一個清醒;所以被君王放逐囉。」 Continue reading

《瑤瑟怨》溫庭筠 (812-870) __ 江紹倫英譯

冰簟銀床夢不成  碧天如水夜雲輕dream
雁聲遠過瀟湘去  十二樓中月自明

《Laments》   Wen Tingyun

No dream the cool night keeps my silvery bed in chill
In the green sky I see light clouds appearing like silk
Calls of passing geese are heard beyond the distant river
Washed by moonlight my room remains in the tall tower

《夜月》《春怨》劉方平 __ 江紹倫英譯

《夜月》劉方平(唐朝詩人, 758年前后在世; 生卒年不詳)

更深月色半人家  北斗闌幹南斗斜
今夜偏知春氣暖  蟲聲新透綠窗紗

《A Moonlit Night》 Liu Fangping    (tr. SL Kong)

The moon keeps half my room bright deep at night
The Plough invites the South Star to appear in dim light
To-night I feel the warmth of a new spring
Through my window shutters insects are singing Continue reading

Two Poems of Jaroslov Seifert __ tr. by SL Kong

Jaroslov Seifert (1901-1986)   雅羅斯拉夫‧塞弗特 seifert

Nobel Laureate, 1984, for he “provides a liberating image of the indomitable spirit and versatility of man ….
He conjures up another world than that of tyranny and desolation – a world that exists both here  and now ….
One that exists in our dreams and our will and our art.”
