《夜月》《春怨》劉方平 __ 江紹倫英譯

《夜月》劉方平(唐朝詩人, 758年前后在世; 生卒年不詳)

更深月色半人家  北斗闌幹南斗斜
今夜偏知春氣暖  蟲聲新透綠窗紗

《A Moonlit Night》 Liu Fangping    (tr. SL Kong)

The moon keeps half my room bright deep at night
The Plough invites the South Star to appear in dim light
To-night I feel the warmth of a new spring
Through my window shutters insects are singing


紗窗日落漸黃昏  金屋無人見淚痕
寂寞空庭春欲晚  梨花滿地不開門

《Loneliness》 Liu Fangping    (tr. SL Kong)

The setting sun seen through the window at parting day
In her gilded bower she wipes her tears away
The empty courtyard shows spring slipping by
The ground filled with fallen petals the gate shut tight

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