《南鄉子•登京口北固亭有懷》辛棄疾 (1140-1207)_江紹倫譯

南鄉子 (登京口北固亭有懷)       辛棄疾 (1140-1207)

何處望神州  滿眼風光北固樓
千古興亡多少事  悠悠  不盡長江滾滾流

年少萬兜鍪   坐斷東南戰未休
天下英雄誰敵手  曹劉  生子當如孫仲謀

Tune: Song of the South     Xin Qi Ji  (1140-1207)  江紹倫譯
Reflections Ascending the Tower at Jingkuo

Where is my godly home in the Central Plain
Seeing but northern country I searched in vain
In the drift of time dynasties thrive and wane
Slowly and at ease
Following the Yangtze’s flow ceaselessly

The young Sun had a garrison of ten thousand at his command
Steel-willed he defended all of the southeastern land
If you ask who could be his equal in this noble land
Cao and Liu
Cao had a son like Sun Zhong Mou

《永遇樂•京口北固亭懷古》__ 辛棄疾(1140-1207)_江紹倫譯

Tune: Joy of Eternal Union
Pining for Ancient Heroes at Jingkou    Xin Qi Ji  (1140-207)           

The boundless hills and rills of yore
Nowhere can I find the king defending the SouthShore
Gallant deeds on dancing stages and singing halls
Washed away by cold winds and driving rain
Whence the setting sun touches the grass and forest again
And the houses amid the unadorned lanes
Where the defeated king had lived in shame
In the other bygone years
Soldiers on armored steeds carrying golden spears
Claiming like tigers a ten thousand li territory on Central Plain

His son launched in haste a Northern Campaign
Defeated on Wolf Mount he shed tears in vain
I remember three and forty years ago
How the Capital Yangzhou was burned by the Jurchen foes
Away my memory
How the enemy ancestral hall
Worshipped in rolling drumbeats and crow calls
Dare anyone ask
If the aging general Lian Po
Is strong enough to win back the Capital of yore

《桂枝香-金陵怀古》 王安石 宋(1021-1086) _江紹倫譯

《桂枝香-金陵怀古                  王安石  宋(1021-1086)

登临送目  正故国晚秋 天气初肃
千里澄江似练  翠峰如簇
归帆去棹斜阳里  背西风  酒旗斜矗
彩舟云淡  星河鹭起  画图难足

念往昔  繁华竞逐  叹门外楼头  悲恨相续
千古凭高  对此漫嗟荣辱
六朝旧事如流水  但寒烟  衰草凝绿
至今商女  时时犹唱  《后庭》遗曲

Tune: Fragrance of Laurel Branch  Wang An Shi (1021-1086) 江紹倫譯 

I clime up high to cast eyes far
In this late autumn the old country marvelous
The weather sublime and cool
The limpid river like a belt winds a thousand li
Emerald peaks tower in vivid relief
Sails rush home as the sun sets in diminishing heat
Fluttering tavern banners against west winds compete
‘Neath pale clouds painted boats merrily float
Towards the Milky Way egrets sour up to note
A grand sight no artist can capture in brush strokes Continue reading

再言莫言__ 江紹倫








《柳》 唐 李商隐 (812~858)

《柳》 唐 李商隐 (812~858)  


To Willow – Li Shang Yin (812~858)  江紹倫譯

Having pursued dancing in vernal breeze
You journey into mansions grieving in spring
How could you wait for the clear autumn day
When cicadas shrill loud in the setting sun

《無題》來是空言去是蹤 李商隱 (812~858)

《無題》來是空言去是蹤  李商隱 (812~858)



Two Untitled Poems      Li Shang Yin (812~858)   江紹倫譯

You promise to come but gone without a trace
I wake as the moon wane to hear the watch bell ring
I call you in my dream when cocks crow in the small hour
And try to write you before the ink is ready

The candlelight kept half of our broidered bed lit
The musk scent from the censor filled the room sweet
The Fairy Mount is far already beyond my reach
Ten thousand fairy mounts away you are farther indeed

荷葉杯 – 韋莊 (836-910)

荷葉杯 –  韋莊 (836-910)

記得那年花下   深夜   初識謝娘時   水堂西面畫簾垂   攜手暗相期

惆悵曉鶯殘月   相別   從此隔音塵   如今俱是異鄉人   相見更無因

Tune: Cup of Lotus Leave  – Wei Zhuang (836-910)   江紹倫譯

I recall that year we stood amid beautiful flowers
At late hour
When I first met you my sweet
In your curtained bower on west street
We held hands to promise a future meeting hour

The moon waned and orioles cried too soon
We parted
No more communication
Now unknowns living in different places
There is no cause for meeting again

菩薩蠻 – 韋莊 (836-910)

菩薩蠻 – 韋莊 (836-910) 



Tune: Buddhist Dancers – Wei Zhuang (836-910)  江紹倫譯

They all say how beautiful is southern land
Wanderers like to stay there till lives end
Water in spring green as the sky
On painted boats one sits to listen the rain

Tavern attendants are beautiful as the moon
Their arms white frosty as snow
Do not return home north before you grow old
To leave for home will be heartbreak for sure

《金凌圖》 韋莊 (836-910)

《金凌圖 》 — 韋莊(836-910)


《The Ancient Capital 》 Wei Zhuang (836-910)  江紹倫譯

The river in drizzles its banks covered with grass so green
The Six Dynasties gone no bird’s cry would again win
Willows unfeeling stand on guard for all portals
They loom like mist adorning the Capital