荷葉杯 – 韋莊 (836-910)
記得那年花下 深夜 初識謝娘時 水堂西面畫簾垂 攜手暗相期
惆悵曉鶯殘月 相別 從此隔音塵 如今俱是異鄉人 相見更無因
Tune: Cup of Lotus Leave – Wei Zhuang (836-910) 江紹倫譯
I recall that year we stood amid beautiful flowers
At late hour
When I first met you my sweet
In your curtained bower on west street
We held hands to promise a future meeting hour
The moon waned and orioles cried too soon
We parted
No more communication
Now unknowns living in different places
There is no cause for meeting again