《八聲甘州 記玉關踏雪事清遊》 張炎 (1248~1320)

《Tune: Eight Beats of Ganzhou  I remember our trip through snowy Jade Gate
Zhang Yan (1248~1320)  江紹倫譯

記玉關  踏雪事清游  I remember our trip through snowy Jade Gate
寒氣脆貂裘  Our sable coats stiff in the cold
傍枯林古道  Woods were bare on the ancient road
長河飲馬  We drank our horses in every running stream
此意悠悠  Every detail is vivid in my dreams

短夢依然江表  Fleeting dreams alive are fond to narrate
老淚洒西州  How we shed tears for departed comrades out west
一字無題處  Nowhere to put words down to attest
落葉都愁  Even fallen leaves joined in to mourn

載取白雲歸去  You went home carried by a white cloud
問誰留楚佩  Forgetting to whom your pendants should be left proud
弄影中洲  Pride is but shadow in mid country
折蘆花贈遠 向尋常野橋流水A  lone I break reeds to send away on under bridge flows
待招來 不是舊沙鷗  But the gulls that appear are not those we used to know

空懷感  In vain I sigh
有斜陽處  Where the sun sets
却怕登樓  A high tower I dare not ascend

《凉州詞》王之涣 (688-742) 江紹倫英譯

《凉州詞》王之涣 (688-742)  〔又名《出塞》〕yellow river_1 copy

黃河遠上白雲間    一片孤城萬仞山
羌笛何須怨楊柳    春風不度玉門關

《To the Frontier》   by   Wang Zhi Huan (688-742)

The Yellow River rises to meet white clouds above
A lone Wall guards ten thousand mounts so proud
The Mongol flute will not sing songs of willows
Beyond the Jade Pass no vernal breeze would follow

《擬古》__李白 (701-762) 江紹倫英譯

《擬古》__李白 (701-762) 

生者為過客    死者為歸人
天地一逆旅    同悲萬古塵
月兔空擣藥    扶桑已成薪
白骨寂無言    青松豈知春
前後更嘆息    浮榮何足珍

Ancient VirtualLi Bai (701-762) 

A person living is traveler in passing
A person dead is home so pleasing
Life is but a journey treacherous
A companion case in ten thousand eras
The rabbit on the moon searches for elixir in vain
The Tree of Immortality has become firewood plain
All white bones are silent with no word to say
Green pines know not whence spring on its way
I sigh as I contemplate on past and future story
No reason to value any vagarious glory

《透脫自適的人格》__ 江紹倫





《和諧共存世界的修養》__ 江紹倫





《千秋歲·水邊沙外》秦觀 (1049-1100) __ 江紹倫英譯

《千秋歲·水邊沙外》秦觀 (1049-1100)

水邊沙外  城郭春寒退花影亂  鶯聲碎飄零疏酒盞  離別寬衣帶 人不見  碧雲暮合空相對

憶昔西池會  鵷鷺同飛蓋 攜手處  今誰在日邊清夢斷  鏡裡朱顏改 春去也  飛紅萬點愁如海

Tune:  《Ten Thousand Years》__ Qin Guan (1049-1100)

At water front away from sands
The city turns warm as vernal cold wanes Continue reading

《認知與通達》__ 江紹倫




《真人的美滿人生》__ 江紹倫





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