School Mission 30 July 2012 __SL Kong

I watch parents and toddlers march under a burning sun
Common citizens
They shout minds of a single concern
That children not in a single ideology learn

Fears reflect events of only recent history
When schools closed so students go where’re to do wrong
That heroism was symbolized with a blank exam paper
That the only song sung was in praise of a man-made sun

Memories abound of people risking lives to leave the motherland
To seek comfort and opportunity in a colony
Many adult marchers today are children and persons in this company
They fear a resurrection of power characteristic of similar hands

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Dawn 2012__SL Kong

Dawn     2012

A cloud on top of dark trees
White as the belly of a fish
The sky a pale blue
Half washed with greenish hue

I watch the elements from my balcony
Counting what else is in company
The cloud suddenly turns into pastel pink
To the white sky now a bird joins in

Not a moment the cloud is out of sight
The sky a pure mirror yellow and bright
Goldern splashes wash the dark trees green
The universe serene a day begins

The Art of Peace of Mind__ Kong Shiu Loon

I used to travel extensively in Japan, to discover and to cleanse my soul, two decades ago when my son was there. The photos received bring back many fond and soothing memories. I wish to share them with all Wayanites, together with my thoughts and feelings.

What you see, slowly and deeply, is the art of achieving a peace of mind by finding the past from the present, and by appreciating the beauties and rhythms of nature as they present themselves. You should keep in mind that you are a part of nature, not outside it, nor trying to use it, and never to control or change it.

Just go through the photos with a minimum regard for the comments. Discover how serene everything is, be it a street, a building, food in a dish, berries and pine cone on snow, the characters in the signboards, the blue sky and green hills, the cherry blossoms, the furniture and the rooms, the food containers, the mood, the absolute cleanliness…..

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Hong Kong Our Home__Kong Shiu Loon

Amid the present chaos in governance and election, people who feel about Hong Kong are easily perplexed by the questions: “What has become of us?” and “What next?

No one knows the answer, any answer. One thing is sure though, the Legislative Council has become a circus once the British are gone, deplete of the dignity and prudence that once defined its existence. Those who jeer and rampage should perhaps reflect that their behaviors depict their own character to fellow citizens who watch them on TV, including school children. Such behaviors speak not of free men and women, but of bondage to foolishness and self-serving causes. There must not be fun in destroying the Hong Kong that we are proud of, that so many people in history had joined hands and hearts to build, be it a colony or SAR.

(In the article, you are invited to view Paradox of Our Times and Hong Kong – the City where dreams come true.)


Borobudur (婆羅浮屠)

Borobudur and Prambanan
by SL Kong

 For years I had been yearning to visit Borobudur, one of the remaining world wonders. I was there finally, with a wonderful surprise. There were also the spectacular Hindu temples of Prambanan. Together, they represent the legacy of the Hindu and Buddhist religions of ancientIndia, a colonial power in Indonesia at the end of the first millennium.

We arrived at Prambanan early in the morning. The sight of the temples was mesmerizing, even viewed from a distance. No word could be found to describe our joy and surprise in seeing them.

Click here to read the article.
Click the image to view the album.

Humanity in 2011— Impacts on Education__Kong Shiu Loon

This is a keynote speech delivered at the International Conferrence of Educational Research held onMay 18-20, 2011 at Manila.


The Greek writer Sophocles said in 496BC:

       Wonders are many

       And none is more wonderful than man

The most distinct feature of this wonder is that human beings are time-binders; that we know that life is finite, limited by time, and we must make the time we have meaningful and happy. 

Because humanity has so many wonders, I am going to describe what we are and how we are in the 21st Century in four dimensions, D1, D2, D3 and D4. I hope that will help us understand ourselves clearly and therefore know what life is all about, and how education could help each of us lead a happy and purposeful life. 

I was asked to present the latest in educational research in this conference. I have chosen to speak on the present topic instead, for a good reason. What is the point in doing research if we do not know what education is?

Click here to read the whole article.

A nourishing hot meal

In our floating life of dashes and cold dishes we need to eat hearty meals for good health and peace of mind. This was our favourite food when the kids were hungry and the family budget lean.

–        Have the rice cooked

–        Marinate half a pound of minced beef with a dash of wine, generous light soy sauce, and a sprinkle of flour ( ten minutes, longer if you have time)

–        Open one can of cream of mushroom soup

–        Put a spoonful of olive oil on a hot pan, stir the meat over after one minute, put in the soup and stir a bit. Fill the empty can with two-third full of hot water and add to the food. Stir and cover pan. Cook for one minute, put in half a bowl of green peas. Cook for one minute, add salt and stir even. It is done.

–        To serve, just put appropriate amount of cooked rice on a plate, add the cooked beef with thick sauce and you have a hearty warm meal

–        The time of cooking varies dependent on how rare you like your beef. Chopped onion can be used, fried before putting in beef. Pepper can be used for individual preference. You can also add an egg or two just before serving to boost up the nourishment and flavour.

All together this meal could be cooked in half an hour. It could be done in ten minutes if you have the rice cooked beforehand. However things are, please try it, and I know you will do it again and again.