Humanity in 2011— Impacts on Education__Kong Shiu Loon

This is a keynote speech delivered at the International Conferrence of Educational Research held onMay 18-20, 2011 at Manila.


The Greek writer Sophocles said in 496BC:

       Wonders are many

       And none is more wonderful than man

The most distinct feature of this wonder is that human beings are time-binders; that we know that life is finite, limited by time, and we must make the time we have meaningful and happy. 

Because humanity has so many wonders, I am going to describe what we are and how we are in the 21st Century in four dimensions, D1, D2, D3 and D4. I hope that will help us understand ourselves clearly and therefore know what life is all about, and how education could help each of us lead a happy and purposeful life. 

I was asked to present the latest in educational research in this conference. I have chosen to speak on the present topic instead, for a good reason. What is the point in doing research if we do not know what education is?

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