《登樓》杜甫 (710-770) __ 江紹倫英譯

《登樓》杜甫 (710-770)

花近高樓傷客心   萬方多難此登臨
錦江春色來天地   玉壘浮雲變古今

北極朝廷終不改   西山寇盜莫相侵
可憐後主還祠廟   日暮聊為梁父吟

《Atop the Tower》Du Fu (710-770)

Seeing flowers stray around the tower my heart grieves
In the chaos I ascend the tower to view all corners
By the River Jin spring colors burst everywhere seen
Above the Jade Mount clouds change as human affairs had been

Stupor is our government unchanging as the North Star
We must stop the forays of foreign invaders and hold them there
Pity the temple of the Late Emperor Liu
In the evening gloom I sing a threnody whence due

《絕句二首》杜甫 (710-770) __ 江紹倫英譯

《絕句二首》杜甫 (710-770)

(其一)                                                  (其二)

遲日江山麗  春風花草香                    江碧鳥逾白  山青花欲燃
泥融飛燕子  沙暖睡鴛鴦                    今春看又過  何日是歸年

《Two Quatrains》Du Fu

Under the late setting sun this landscape is beautiful
Vernal breezes fill the air with sweet vegetation scents plentiful
Swallows build nests carrying mud in tiny beaks
On warm sands mandarin ducks nod too content to speak Continue reading

《歲暮》杜甫 (710-770) __ 江紹倫英譯

《歲暮》杜甫 (710-770)

歲暮遠為客  邊隅還用兵
煙塵犯雪嶺  鼓角動江城

天地日流血  朝廷誰請纓
濟時敢愛死  寂寞壯心驚

《Late in the Year》Du Fu

At year-end everyone feels far from home
This war continues where remote frontiers roam
Dusts stirred up by fighting cloud the Snow Mount
The sounds of drums and bugles shiver this river town

Heaven and earth bear witness to bloodshed everyday
Who is able to help keep this conflict at bay
To help win this war death I fear not
In solitude my bravery stops my death-fears not

《奉濟驛重送嚴公四韻》- 杜甫 (710-770) __ 江紹倫英譯

Du1遠送從此別    青山空复情
幾時杯重把    昨夜月同行
列郡謳歌惜    三朝出入榮
江村獨歸處    寂寞養殘生

《Seeing Lord Yan Wu off at Feng Ji Courier Station》Du Fu 

We have gone a long way and here we will say adieu
The green mountains shall witness my admiration for you
We walked hand in hand last night under the moon
Whence shall we meet to drink together again soon
Many regions of our country praise your contributive deeds
Emperors in three dynasties have recognized your feats
I will return to my home at riverside
Alone I will live quietly for the rest of my life

《月夜憶舍弟》– 杜甫 (710-770) __ 江紹倫英譯

《Remembering my younger brother at moonlit night  Du Fu 

戍鼓斷人行  Garrison drums stop all travellers at the Pass
秋邊一雁聲  A lone goose cries above the autumn frontier
露從今夜白  White dews begin to show in season this night
月是故鄉明  Nowhere as in my native land could the moon shine brighter
有弟皆分散  My younger brother is scattered without a fixed site
無家問死生  There is no way I could inquire whether he is dead or alive
寄書長不達  Letters sent to him are lost on the way
況乃未休兵  The war continues to rave its end we can only wait

「登岳阳楼」(唐) 杜甫 (712-770)

「登岳阳楼」(唐) 杜甫 (712-770)

昔闻洞庭水  今上岳阳楼  吴楚东南坼  乾坤日夜浮
亲朋无一字  老病有孤舟  戎马关山北  凭轩涕泗流

Ascending Yueyang Pagoda   Du Fu (712-770)  江紹倫譯

I have been aware of Lake Dongting for long
Today I ascend Pagoda Yueyang
Here the ancient south and eastern states disunite
Here sun and moon float in cycles day and night

No words from kinfolks and friends for years
A boat keeps me company in my declining years
On the northern frontier wars continue to rage
Leaning on rails tears on my face incessantly rain

「江汉」(唐) 杜甫 (712-770)

「江汉」(唐) 杜甫 (712-770)

江汉思归客   乾坤一腐儒   片云天共远   永夜月同孤
落日心犹壮   秋风病欲疏   古来存老马   不必取长途

On the Han River    Du Fu (712-770)  江紹倫譯

I yearn for home drifting on the Han River
Caring not for world affairs a bookish scholar
Roaming about like clouds in the boundless sky
I stay up nights with the solitary moon nigh

With each setting sun I hold my spirit high
No sickness invade me as autumn winds blow
Old horses are cared for since time immemorial
They need not run long distance I was told

「绝句二首」(唐) 杜甫 (712-770)

「绝句二首」(唐) 杜甫 (712-770)

迟日江山丽  春风花草香  泥融飞燕子  沙暖睡鸳鸯

江碧鸟逾白  山青花欲燃  今春看又过  何日是归年

Two Quatrains   Du Fu (712-770)  江紹倫譯


Late in the day the sun lingers o’er a beautiful scene
In the vernal breeze sweet grass and flowers scent serene
Swallows nest picking newly thawed mud busily
Basking on warm sand a pair of love birds doze happily


O’er the blue river birds appear especially white
Blooming flowers their colours on green hills highlight
It is time for this spring to leave
Whence shall I be able to return home for thee

「赠花卿」(唐) 杜甫 (712-770)

「赠花卿」(唐) 杜甫 (712-770)

锦城丝管日纷纷  半入江风半入云
此曲只应天上有  人间能得几回闻


To General Hua   Du Fu (712-770)  江紹倫譯

Music of strings and flutes keeps the Silk Town aloud
Half of the tunes waft with the wind half reach the cloud
Such beautiful music should only be heard in celestial spheres
How often could it be played for human ears