《登樓》杜甫 (710-770)
花近高樓傷客心 萬方多難此登臨
錦江春色來天地 玉壘浮雲變古今
北極朝廷終不改 西山寇盜莫相侵
可憐後主還祠廟 日暮聊為梁父吟
《Atop the Tower》Du Fu (710-770)
Seeing flowers stray around the tower my heart grieves
In the chaos I ascend the tower to view all corners
By the River Jin spring colors burst everywhere seen
Above the Jade Mount clouds change as human affairs had been
Stupor is our government unchanging as the North Star
We must stop the forays of foreign invaders and hold them there
Pity the temple of the Late Emperor Liu
In the evening gloom I sing a threnody whence due