胡笳十八拍 7, 8, 9 (东汉) 蔡琰 [文姬]

Eighteen Refrains on Tartar Pipes 7, 8, 9 Cai Yan [Cai Wenji] (ca. 177-?)
Tr. YK Chan 陈耀国译

At dusk whining winds on all sides of frontier start,
To whom shall I bare my mournful heart?

By destitute rampart outskirts beacons and tents stretch mile after mile.
The weak and old mistreated but the young and strong held up in style.

Following water and grassland to settle as homestead in tents,
Herding cattle and sheep like bees and ants in open land.

Sheep and horses driven again when grass and water exhaust,
At seventh refrain I loathe why I reside here and find myself lost.

If an all-seeing eye is watching why it sees not I’m alone drifting?
If the Almighty keeps order why my world’s upside-down shifting?

I haven’t offended the one high above why am I betrothed into a foreign race?
I haven’t neglected the Almighty why am I banished to the wilderness without trace?

To relieve myself from sorrows this eight refrain ends,
Yet when the melody ends to melancholy my heart tends.

Heaven has no end, earth has no brink,
Melancholy in me is endless also I think.
Life passes suddenly as it is ephemeral and toyed,
Yet in my prime I am not overwhelmed with joy.

Regretful, I wish to learn from heaven high,
Yet in vast space no reason’s found to confide.
Looking far above are just mists and grey,
Sentiments at ninth refrain to whom shall I convey?

【红楼梦曲·枉凝眉*】 (清) 曹雪芹 (约1715—约1763)

Futile Frown* Cao Xueqin (~1715-1763)
Trans. by YK Chan 陈耀国

一个是阆苑仙葩,One is a fairyland fresh flower;
一个是美玉无瑕。the other, a flawless jadestone empower’d.
若说没奇缘, If not for mysterious destiny,
今生偏又遇着他;how in this life we again meet each other;
若说有奇缘, If destiny really acts mysteriously,
如何心事终虚化?How’s that our wishes come to naught ever?

Wang Ying Mei


一个枉自嗟呀, One sighs in futility;
一个空劳牵挂。 one uselessly harbors anxiety.
一个是水中月, One is a moon mirrored in water,
一个是镜中花。 one is a flower seen in the mirror.
想眼中能有多少泪珠儿,How many pearly tears from the eye
still seep,

怎经得秋流到冬尽, throughout autumn till winter’s end,
春流到夏! or throughout spring till summer’s

Music composed by Wang Liping 王立平 (1941- ) for a Chinese TV series of Dream of Red Mansions
Originally sung by Chen Li 陈力 (soprano):
Guzheng arrangement古筝曲: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvupUuXW5cY
* As the lyrics of one of the songs narrated in Chapter 5 of Cao’s Dream of Red Mansions. The songs set the fate of the twelve belles as narrated in the following chapters of the novel. (Ref: http://baike.baidu.com/view/50556.htm)

A Selection of Rustic Poems by Fan Cheng Da (1126-1193)__Kong Shiu Loon



《四时田园杂兴》__范成大 (1226-1193)

A Selection of Rustic Poems by Fan Cheng Da (1126-1193)
Translated by Kong Shiu Loon

春日 (1)


Spring (1)

At noon I hear cockerel calls in the Lane of Willow Flower
New mulberry leaves are showing green tips this hour
Waking from a drowse in my chair I enjoy life at ease
Outside the sunny window silkworms are breaking free

日 (3)high field_e


Spring (3)

The high field wheat’s colors are matching mountain greens
Down the valley paddy rice their shoots a verdant sheen
Aglow with fruit tree flowers the village is picturesque in spring
People drum and dance with songs at Festival Qing Ming Continue reading

紅豆詞* (清) 曹雪芹

Song of the Red Bean* Cao Xueqin (1715 — 1763/1724 — 1764)
Translated by YK Chan (December 2009); revised June 2013


HongDou CI


My bleeding heart and tears of desperation drip endlessly like red beans dropping;

Yet, forever blooming spring willows and flowers are in full view at this picturesque dwelling.

Tossing and turning after dusk for that storm strikes at the lace-screen window,

I forget not at all recent and past sorrow.

Swallowing not delicious rice and fine wine, they choke down my throat;

Looking into infinity the ornate mirror reflects only my meagerness and despair.

My frown can’t be unlocked; I endure the long dark night not.

Ah! It’s just like a green mountain that’s only vaguely veiled in fog,

Or a meandering emerald stream that can’t be block’d!
*The ‘red bean’, 红豆 hongdou, here really is the jequirity bean, which is produced by the leguminous jequirity plant (Abrus precatorius, cf. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abrus_precatorius) and used often in Chinese poetry as a love token—相思豆 xiangsi dou, the love bean, e.g. 王维 (701-761) Wang Wei’s poem 相思 Xiangsi.

Xiangsi 相思 denotes a special yearning for a loved one, from whom the lover is separated. Cao’s 红豆詞 HongDou Ci (Song of the Red Bean) is from his famed Dream of Red Mansions. It was written as a poem for the protagonist, 贾宝玉 Jia Baoyu, to sing after he was separated from his lover, 林黛玉 Lin Daiyu. It appears in Chapter 28 of this classic novel.

Music composed by Liu XueAn 刘雪庵 (1905-1985)
Guzheng solo:

José Carreras (tenor) performance:

胡笳十八拍 3,4,5,6 (东汉) 蔡琰 [文姬]

Eighteen Refrains on Tartar Pipes Cai Yan [Cai Wenji] (ca. 177-?)


Leaving Han Kingdom to enter Tartar territory,
Home lost and body violated I’d rather die than be sorry.

Wearing fur blanket scared me to the bone and flesh,
Stinking sheep taste numbed my feelings to clash.

Boisterous drum racket lasted from dusk to dawn,
Wintry winds stealthily through outskirt tents were drawn.

Third refrain ends with present grief and the past recalled,
When will my repressed sorrows and frustrations be forestalled?

All day all night I yearn for my homeland,
Bitterness I endure more than anyone can stand.

In disaster and chaos there’s no one to lead,
So ill-fated only I ended up in Tartar hand indeed.

‘Tis hard to fit into foreign customs,
To whom I tell what I can’t accustom?

‘Tis hard recalling my experiences to be told,
On the completion of the fourth refrain my sorrows grow.

I wish my yearning to be delivered by south-migrating geese,
And news obtained from home by north-returning geese.

But geese fly high and away I could hardly find,
Broken-hearted I’m muted with thoughts deep in mind.

Strumming the zither at the moon I frown,
Sad fifth refrain denotes meanings profound.

In icy and frosty weather I feel bitterly cold and low,
Though hungry dried meat and milk I can’t swallow.

I hear Long River murmuring as if sobbing at night,
At morn Great Wall meandering yonder though in sight.

Reminiscing the hardship of my long journey hither,
At pathetic sixth refrain I wish not to play the zither.

A Rainy Day__SL Kong

Driving rains beat on the window pane
Winds chill blustering
Safe in my apartment with music divine
I attend to my mind’s eyes

Green hills chatting with clouds nigh
On look to a valley that thrives
Reflective paddy fields of shooting rice
Their beauty bursting in sunshine