《浪淘沙*茶園即事》陳繼儒 (? ) __ 江紹倫英譯

《Tune*Waves Refining Sand: On Scenes of Tea Plantation》Chen Ji Ru (? )

絕壁翠苔封  Moss growths block the way to cliffs remote
屴崱危峰  Sky high rise up the zenith
半山雲氣織芙蓉  Clouds change colors to beautify the mountain
怪鳥啼春聲不斷  Rare birds make spring calls incessant
躑躅花紅  Flowers loiter in crimson Continue reading

《好事近*次蔡丞相韻 中州樂府》元德明(1156-1203) __ 江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Good News Near*Rhyme with Prime Minister Cai》Yuan De Ming

夢破打門聲      Door knocks wake me up from dreams
有客袖攜團月  The visitor brings in a gift of Full Moon beams
喚起玉川高興  Recalling the legend poet’s advice
煮松檐晴雪      Tea is brewed with pinewood fire in a day fine Continue reading

On WYK1965 Golden Anniversary

Old long since

We parted and grew,
On wings of youth, through trials true.
Each in a way self-guided fate,
Brought to mind acquaintances entwined.
In days to come, all meetings end at home,
On a train that stops at distances far and nigh,
Lives lived, but undenied.


如乘驾青春翅膀 跨过人生考验
活了命 非能忘

YK Chan 陈耀国
Ottawa 2015.10.03

《行香子》釋中峰(元) __江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Fragrance Songs》Shi Zhong Feng (Yuan Dynasty)

短短橫牆  Surrounding the place is a low wall
矮矮疏窗  Windows intermittent and small
一方兒  小小池塘Nearby sits a tiny square pond
高低迭嶂         Distant hills stand low and tall
曲水邊旁         A brook meanders through them all
也有些風         Wind there is
有些月                         Moon there is
有些香                         Fragrance there is Continue reading

《浣溪沙》劉敏中(1243-1318) __江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Silky Sand Brook》Liu Min Zhong

虢虢清流淺見沙  A river flows chattering on sands clear
沙邊翠竹野人家  A family lives at riverside where bamboo shades waver
野人延客不堪誇  Serving visitors tea is a simple matter Continue reading

《南鄉子》張弘范(1238-1280) __江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Southern Country Song》Zhang Hong Fan

深院日初長                 Deep where I dwell summer days prolong
萬卷詩書一炷香          Ten thousand volumes and incense sticks burn long
竹掩茅齋人不到          No one visits this humble dwelling in bamboo shades
清涼                             Cool and serene
茶罷西軒讀老莊          I read Lao-Zhang after tea in the west wing Continue reading

《鷓鷓天*室人降日, 以此奉寄》魏初(元) __ 江紹倫英譯

《鷓鷓天*室人降日, 以此奉寄》魏初(元)
《Tune: Partridge Sky*To My Wife on Her Birthday》Wei Chu (1232-1292)

去歲今辰卻到家  This day last year home I was not near
今年相望又天涯  Today this year I pine for you from faraway here
一春心事閑無處  My love for you floats like a spring with no dwelling
兩鬢秋霜細有華  Like autumn frost my hairs are greying Continue reading

《解佩令*王害風》王哲(1112-1169)__ 江紹倫英譯


《Tune: Receiving the Command Symbol》Wang Zhe

茶無絕品                     No supreme tea exists in truth
至真為上                     The best tea is with friends amiable
相邀命             Invitation standing
貴賓來往                     Friends coming and going
盞熱瓶煎                     On heated kettles Continue reading