《解佩令*王害風》王哲(1112-1169)__ 江紹倫英譯


《Tune: Receiving the Command Symbol》Wang Zhe

茶無絕品                     No supreme tea exists in truth
至真為上                     The best tea is with friends amiable
相邀命             Invitation standing
貴賓來往                     Friends coming and going
盞熱瓶煎                     On heated kettles

水沸時             At boiling brittles
雲翻雪浪                     Clouds turn like snow in upheaval
輕輕吸             Sipping tea light and slow
氣清神爽                     Tastes serene and spirit uphold

盧同七碗                     The seven bowls of poet Lu Tongtea_7_bowls
吃來豁暢                     A bowl of tea opens my mind to vision
知滋味             Who knows the real meaning of tea
趙州和尚                     But Monk Zhao Zho so free
解佩新詞                     To create poems that ring

王害風             I invite us together sing
月明中             In moonlight
四人分朗                     A chorus of four sings in delight

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