南鄉子 馮延巳(903-960)



Southern Country Song                     江紹倫譯

Drizzles keep the running time glide at ease
Like sorrows and undulating grass thrive my years increase
Encaged here in this bower so much past happiness now distant
The love-bird quilt and mirror remind me of only heart breaks this instant

In dreams my soul goes anywhere I please
Whence awake I only find catkins covering my bed a million pieces
My fickle lover visits me no more my rift door invites the setting sun
For our vanishing spring I owe you tears in many a stream run

蝶戀花 馮延巳(903-960)



Tune: Butterfly Love Flower             江紹倫譯

Where do you roam like floating clouds day after day
Remembering not home
Nor spring growing old
A hundred grass ten thousand flowers line up the Cold-Meal roads
At whose residence your carriage and horse the trees hold

Drown in tears I watch from the balcony muttering regret
Visits a pair of swallows
I wonder if they had seen you along the road
They stir up love longings spreading like flakes of willow
Even in blurry dreams I could not find you high or low

行路难 (唐) 李白


金樽清酒斗十千    玉盘珍馐直万钱

停杯投箸不能食    拔剑四顾心茫然

欲渡黄河冰塞川    将登太行雪满山

闲来垂钓碧溪上    忽复乘舟梦日边

行路难    行路难   多歧路   今安在

长风破浪会有时    直挂云帆济沧海 

translated by YK Chan ( 5 Oct 2009):

Trekking Pains              Li Bai

Wine in a golden cup costs an arm and a leg;
  food served in a jade platter makes you bankrupt quick.

Laying my cup down with chopsticks in hand, I still fancy the eats not;
  my sword drawn: I look around in vain and at tort.

To cross Yellow River giant icebergs block;
  the track up Mount Taiheng fully blizzard clogged.

Rather, better be an angler at leisure upon emerald brooks,
  or a dreamer boating where the sun looks.

Trekking is pain and ache, ache and pain;
  from mistaken routes where is my way?

A time would come for riding with the wind on the waves,
  with sails hung high crossing the broad straights.

Translated by KC  Lee  (4 October 2009):

 The Rough Road

Laid out on the table are bottles of the rarest vintage and my most favorite dishes presented in the finest china.
Yet in frustration I abandoned my glass and laid down my utensils.
Instead, I drew my sword.  But all I could manage was to stare emptily into the distance.

Even if I want to cross the Yellow River , it is clogged with ice.  As for my plan to traverse TaiHang Shan, it is thwarted by fierce snow storms.

But then I recalled the stories of Lu fishing leisurely by the creek, and Yi dreaming himself sailing past the Sun and the Moon.  Before they were eventually recognized by the Emperor and accomplished great deeds for the country.

No doubt the road into my future is rough and uncertain. Yet I may still have my own day. Riding the tall winds to cut across the far oceans.

自遣 (唐)羅隐(833~909)

得即高歌失即休    多愁多恨亦悠悠
今朝有酒今朝醉    明日愁来明日愁

Relaxation                                江紹倫譯

Sing your accomplishments accept any failure practically
And dispel whatever sorrow or hate for tranquillity
Fine brews on hand drink your fill today
Let all possible worry to come next day

雪 (唐)羅隐(833~909)

盡道豐年瑞        豐年事若何
長安有貧者        為瑞不宜多

Snow                                       江紹倫譯

They say abundant snow forebodes a bumper year
What good is bumper harvest if distribution unfair
As hungry folks linger within capital walls
Let’s pray heavy snow does not oft fall

浪淘沙 (南唐)李煜

簾外雨潺潺  春意闌珊
夢里不知身是客    一晌貪歡

獨自莫憑欄  無限江山   

流水落花春去也    天上人間

<Waves Refining Sands>              江紹倫譯

Drizzles patter outside my enclosing curtains
Spring feelings abound
Near dawn my quilt cannot warm my chills
I dreamed my captive life cast aside
For a moment of delight

Whence looking o’er these railings I should not solitarily stand
To reminisce about my lost empire its boundless land
‘Tis easier to part than yearning for re-union again

Gone are the happy days with withered flowers perishing flow
Same on high yonder as among man I know

《泊秦淮》 (唐)杜牧

煙籠寒水月籠沙      夜泊秦淮近酒家
商女不知亡國恨      隔江猶唱後庭花

Mooring on River Qinhuai                                 江紹倫譯

Mist veils the frigid water while moonlight veils the bar
I moor on the Qinhuai River at dusk to sample the bars
Songstresses bewail not their motherland in defeat
They sing to glorify the new ruler their voice peak

《題興化園亭》 (唐)賈島

破卻千家作一池      不栽桃李種薔薇
薔薇花落秋風起      荊棘滿庭君始知

Temple Garden                                  江紹倫譯

Against a thousand designs a single garden built
Only roses are cultivated fruit trees nil
Whence roses wither petals follow autumn winds fly
A garden of thorns remain consequences you abide

《尋隱者不遇》 (唐)賈島

松下問童子                言師採藥去
只在此山中                雲深不知處

Visiting a Hermit                    江紹倫譯

I asked your whereabouts from your house boy in pine wood
He said you were out collecting herbs in good mood
You are surely somewhere in these hills
Where clouds roam who knows where you seek as you will

北青蘿 (唐)李商隱

殘陽西入崦   茅屋訪孤僧
落葉人何在   寒雲路幾層
獨敲初夜磬   閑倚一枝藤
世界微塵裡   吾寧愛與憎

Hermitage Amid Green Vines    江紹倫譯

The setting sun disappears behind tall mountains west
I arrived at this empty hut looking for my Buddhist friend in earnest
Where would he be in a world of fallen leaves
Up clouds yonder how many layers of footpaths I must weave

Alone he tolls vespers at dusk
On a cane he leisurely strolls not fast
In this hustle bustle world nothing could be too important
Away from love and hate my mind is at peace self-sufficient