自遣 (唐)羅隐(833~909)

得即高歌失即休    多愁多恨亦悠悠
今朝有酒今朝醉    明日愁来明日愁

Relaxation                                江紹倫譯

Sing your accomplishments accept any failure practically
And dispel whatever sorrow or hate for tranquillity
Fine brews on hand drink your fill today
Let all possible worry to come next day

雪 (唐)羅隐(833~909)

盡道豐年瑞        豐年事若何
長安有貧者        為瑞不宜多

Snow                                       江紹倫譯

They say abundant snow forebodes a bumper year
What good is bumper harvest if distribution unfair
As hungry folks linger within capital walls
Let’s pray heavy snow does not oft fall