
A number of WYKAAO members are volunteering at various units under Mon Sheong Foundation 孟嘗會.

Mon Sheong starts $150 million drive to build three nursing homes

Mon Sheong Foundation CEO Stephanie Wong and Chairperson Tim Kwan, seen at a Jan. 30 press conference in Scarborough, say the organization hopes to build 600 more long-term-care beds in Greater Toronto in the next 10 years. Imagine 17 persons waiting for the same nursing home bed, and you’ll understand the challenge for the Mon Sheong Foundation.

The charity housing Chinese seniors announced Jan. 30 it plans to build three new long-term care facilities with a total of 600 beds in the GTA over the next 10 years. That will cost $150 million, but the number of Chinese seniors in the GTA is rising fast, and by Mon Sheong’s count there’s only 3,500 nursing home beds offering culturally appropriate care…..(read the whole story)


孟嘗會正在籌劃未來十年,在大多倫多地區幾個地點增設600個長期護理床位以緩解區內床位的逼切需求.因為現時三間長期護理中心共有457張床位,而輪候人數就超過4500人次.最長的輪候時間長達12年.孟嘗會行政總裁黃何潔儀表示,“輪候時間以孟嘗來說實在太高。由10年前的1500人到現在超過4500人。如果排孟嘗長期護理中心都要超過10個人才等一張床。” Continue reading

Joining forces to fight Childhood Cancer

Message from The Terry Fox Foundation, one of the charity organizations that WYKAAO has been supporting for the past many years:

“We’re excited to share with you that for the first time in Canadian history, more than 30 pediatric cancer research and funding organizations have joined forces through Terry Fox PROFYLE, a pan-Canadian project to give children, adolescents and young adults who are out of conventional treatment options another chance to beat their cancer.

Eight-year-old Marlow Ploughman is one of these children. We are extremely proud to be part of this groundbreaking new research project that is giving Marlow a second chance at life…(read the whole story)”