Category Archives: Europe/Mediterranean
Near and Along River Danube __ Daniel Ho (67)
Some Thoughts about and Timbits of History Learned during European Trip
Europe is the favorite tourism destination for my wife and me. In Europe, the sceneries are beautiful or charming, the cultures and tastes are long-established, and the architecture of ancient buildings is civilized and exquisite. During our latest trip to Europe, we visited the Czech Republic and took a river cruise on the River Danube. What we saw during the trip is eye-opening. I also picked up a few timbits of European history (at least legends if not bona fide history) from the local tour guides. Continue reading
《Evora, Portugal 》__ Rose Ho
Enjoy the shots I took in that trip by clicking the image.
What attracted me to Evora, a city 140 kilometers east of Lisbon, were the Chapel of Bones (human), the Cromlech and the church of tiles. They did not disappoint me. The ruins of the Diana Temple did…in terms of grandeur.
The Aqueduct was more than I expected…with it now being part of the city fabric in different forms. The roof-top of the Cathedral also provided a stunning view…both the roof itself and the panorama of the city below. It is a tour definitely not to be missed. But watch your tour hours. One cannot get in using the same ticket again after their lunch hour! Continue reading
《Lisbon Colours in 2014》__ Rose Ho
《浮光掠影 — 北歐四國遊》__ 岑建成(71)
Driving Around in Croatia and Slovenia __ Dominic Chan (64)
Click here to read the very interesting travelogue by motor car.
Iron Chef Travelogue — Episode 16 __ David Wong (64)
Iron Chef Travelogue — #15__ David Wong (64)
The hardest part of making this dish is to prevent the clams from overdone. Clams overcook can be rubbery and if undercooked, it tasted raw fish. The seafood broth has to be made first, clams add at the very last. Once it is done, toss the fettuccini with the sauce and serve immediately. It is a healthy dish and I could stay there and eat all day.
Pictorial Travelogue__Daniel Ho (67)
In October, Kate and I went on a European (Mediterranean) & Trans-Atlantic boat cruise on the new 142,000-ton Royal Princess. We stopped over at London, UK for two days before flying to Venice to board the ship.
In London, we took the ride at the London Eye which is a gigantic Ferrirs wheel in Central London.