《詠茶》文天祥(1236-1283) 江紹倫英譯

《In Praise of Tea》Wen Tian Xiang

揚子江心第一泉  In Mid-Yangzi flows this our Prime Spring
南金來北鑄文淵  Southern tea culture nurtures literary supreme
男兒斬卻樓蘭首  A brave man renders the Tartar King his demise
閒品茶經拜羽仙  Then sips tea at leisure to Tea Saint Lu he admires





Captain Mike Yam (74) writes …

Captain Mike Yam(74), Michael Luk(76), Allan Lee(70, David Ho(70), Manager Wilfred Wei (69)

Captain Mike Yam(74), Michael Luk(76), Allan Lee(70, David Ho(70), Manager Wilfred Wei (69)

Our spirit was very high.  This was actually visible even before the games.  We had had regular practices every week (except I skipped 3 weeks due to a minor operation) and I could tell that our team was getting stronger towards the tournament.  Michael Luk had improved so much on his serves and return serves while Allan also improved on his already excellent blocks.  David was practising hard between his tight schedules. Continue reading

Wilfred Wei (69) reports…

Captain Mike Yam(74), Michael Luk(76), Allan Lee(70, David Ho(70), Manager Wilfred Wei (69)

Captain Mike Yam(74), Michael Luk(76), Allan Lee(70), David Ho(70), Manager Wilfred Wei (69)

Thank you Roger, Edmund, Tim, George , Andrew, Jeff and spouses Vinnie , Elaine, Millie and, most important of all,  Mr Ho (who came 3 times to cheer for the team and took the winning game video) for your enthusiastic support, cheers and encouragements on game day.

Thank you Andrew for taking pictures and thank you Chris for his support on Whatsapp despite being physically in Chicago and unable to attend. Continue reading

《July 4th 煙花 》陳柏齡(71)

Fireworks我看July 4th 放煙花像慶祝春節燒炮仗。記憶兒時過年,父親帶我倆兄妹買炮仗,小孩子特別開心。燒炮仗聲音劈啪作響, 什麼驅魔去鬼破舊迎新,全不是我的關注,只有手中燃燒「滴滴金」的火花和口袋裡的紅包,才是過年的精彩。那些甜蜜的記憶每年都會在July 4th 重新點著,在心田深處亮起。


《近年集字成句六首》 余晃英 (61) 2015年7月2日


《口占六字句記:  時光美殊 (Squamish)、威士拿 (Rainbow Lake三日遊》
〔* 2003年12 月曾與友人及各家子女來威士拿滑雪, 當時大兒在日本。〕
Whisler White_Water stream
factory train IMG_3219
享用山水多情 Continue reading

《故人寄茶》李德裕(787-849) 江紹倫英譯

《A Friend Sent Me Tea》Li Deyu

劍外九華英  Around the Jian Mon in Sichuan tea is one of nine treasures
緘題下玉京  They were known in the ancient Capital in big measures
開時微月上  As the moon rises tea buds open wide
碾處亂泉聲  With spring whispers tea leaves are ground fine Continue reading