2017 China Open Table Tennis Men’s Single – Who’ll be king ?

Staged in the city of Chengdu the Seamaster 2017 ITTF World Tour Platinum China Open is held 6/21- 6/25  with the MS crown race wild opened.

With Ma Long, Xu Xin and Fan Zhengdong pulling out of the tourney on protests, the semi and finals are staged for possibly the first time in 20 years where no China National team stars are competing in S/F and an all German final. Continue reading

Asian Table Tennis Championships 2017 Hong Kong Highlights


香港隊男子代表黃鎮廷/何鈞傑周六(4月15日)在無錫舉行的亞洲乒乓球錦標賽男雙四強,力戰下以直落3局不敵中國組合方博/周雨,無緣決賽,但為港拿下今屆賽事第2面銅牌。兩位里約奧運代表黃鎮廷和何鈞傑合作參加今屆亞乒賽男雙,晉級過程表現不俗,惟準決賽面對國乒新秀方博/周雨就陷於苦戰,最終以局數0:3落敗,四強止步,港隊繼女團早前奪季後,再添一面銅牌。男單小將林兆恒就以0:3向衛冕冠軍、中國名將樊振東稱臣,八強止步。正在無錫出戰亞洲乒乓球錦標賽的香港代表隊,女子隊今日(4月11日)在團體賽4強面對實力超班的中國隊,三位「小花代表」李皓晴、杜凱琹及蘇慧音技術雖有提升,惟畢竟實力仍有差距,最終力戰下以場數0:3告負,不過依然為港隊收獲一面銅牌。為港打頭陣的李皓晴未能擋住奧運冠軍丁寧的猛烈攻勢,接連出現失誤,卒以5:11、5:11、2:11稱臣。緊接上陣的杜凱琹面對去年總決賽冠軍朱雨玲,首局先失6:11,第2局雙方爭持激烈,比數一度咬緊,可惜杜凱琹戰至9:9後連失2分以9:11飲恨,第3局再以相同比數9:11落敗。小將蘇慧音在第3場單打亦以3:11、7:11、10:12不敵陳夢,港隊總場數以0:3敗走,與韓國並列季軍。中國隊及後於決賽以場數3:0橫掃日本,連續六年稱霸亞洲乒乓球錦標賽 Continue reading

Wilfred Wei (69) reports…

Captain Mike Yam(74), Michael Luk(76), Allan Lee(70, David Ho(70), Manager Wilfred Wei (69)

Captain Mike Yam(74), Michael Luk(76), Allan Lee(70), David Ho(70), Manager Wilfred Wei (69)

Thank you Roger, Edmund, Tim, George , Andrew, Jeff and spouses Vinnie , Elaine, Millie and, most important of all,  Mr Ho (who came 3 times to cheer for the team and took the winning game video) for your enthusiastic support, cheers and encouragements on game day.

Thank you Andrew for taking pictures and thank you Chris for his support on Whatsapp despite being physically in Chicago and unable to attend. Continue reading