《茗飲》元好問(1190-1257) __ 江紹倫英譯

《Tea Drinks》Yuan Wen Hao(1190_1257)

宿酲未破厭觥船  Drunk through the night I dislike the rocking boat
紫筍分封入曉煎  I brew the Purple Tips at dawn to fill my bowl
槐火石泉寒食後  Charcoal fires boil the spring water after Cold Meal Fest
鬢絲禪榻落花前  My scanty hairs mix with petals on my Zen bed rest Continue reading

《友之越贈以惠泉》高啟 (1336-1374)__江紹倫英譯

《友之越贈以惠泉》高啟 (1336-1374)
《A Gift of Hui Spring in Parting》Gao Qi (1336-1374)

雲液流甘漱石牙  Rain drops from clouds keep tea buds tender
潤通錫麓樹增華  Given moisture mountain trees flower
汲來曉冷和山雨  In early morning I scoop water cool with mountain rain
飲處春香帶間花  Drinking it I savor the fragrance of blooms in spring Continue reading


《Tune: Silky Sand Brook》Hong Xi Wen (1282-1366)

獨坐書齋日正中  At midday I sit in my study at leisure
平生三昧試茶功  To try my art in brewing tea to produce the three wonders
起看水火自爭雄  Behold water and fire compete to make their effects greater

勢挾怒濤翻急雪  Roaring waves swell into hurrying snows
韻勝甘露透香風  Rhythms of sweet broths emit fragrant blows
晚涼月色照孤松  In the cool eve a bright moon teases a lonely pine in sorrow

《題事茗圖》唐寅(1470-1524) __江紹倫英譯

《For the Brewing Tea Painting》Tang Yin (1470-1524)

日長何所事  What could I do on a long day
茗碗自賚持  Holding a tea bowl to appreciate so gay
料得南窗下  In the southern window I expect to see
清風滿鬢絲  My hair floating with the vernal breeze

《趙州吃茶》黃龍慧南禪師(1002-1069) __ 江紹倫英譯

《Zhao Zhou Eat Tea》Huang Long Hui Nam(1002-1069)

相逢相遇知來歷  People meet and enquire each other’s credentials
不揀親疏便與茶  I serve tea regardless of relationship far or close
翻憶憧憧往來者  Searching my memory on all people in my encounter
忙忙誰辨滿甌花  How many knew the quality of a bowl of tea I wonder