“The Spirit of Wah Yan”

“The Spirit of Wah Yan” was first defined by Father Gallagher, the first Jesuit Rector and Headmaster of Wah YanRW-Gallagher College in 1932, when the Society of Jesuits took over the management from Mr. Tsui Yan-sau, the founder.

Here is the reprint from The Star with a Chinese translation.  A translation from the internet without the name of the translator and the date was appended.

We should be happy if our readers could produce other versions.

“The Spirit of Hong Kong” Photo Contest__Rose Ho

Friends and family, I need your support…your vote.                Photo Contest Lot_1

I have entered the photo contest run by Cathay Pacific.  My first submission of 11 photos have been posted on the site today.
I need your support.  I need your vote.  If you like my photos, please also get your friends to vote for them.
Although the voting for this lot ends Sept. 26, the votes are counted each week for a weekly winner.  Therefore, if you all can submit your votes this week so they are not spread over two (weeks), that would help.  (However, don’t put it a burden on yourself to vote this week.)
1.  The site is Continue reading

《留別華仁諸公》李彥和 (1897-1989)

《留別華仁諸公》Shield 54_LeeYWLee Yin-wo poetry

依山黌舍靜  學術富平章
席散賢猶博  尊前我欲狂
俳諧忘歲月  繾綣又參商
珍重百年意  莘莘亦棟樑

今朝辭講席  何以謝諸生
問字車頻顧  臨床艾未成
向榮叢杞梓  拔萃此菁英
緬想玄都美  依依重寄聲

憶黃山堂接席初 相看抱璞采璠璵
商量絕學詮新義 捘討遺詞訪異書
肝膽照人交恨晚 文章傳世道其餘
鐺鐺又與鐘聲散 肯為分携足跡疏

李彥和老師1952-60任教九華。維基百科; 蘋果日報

Grasp Your Opportunity!__Sean Coghlan, S.J.

“In the morning I often stand in the archway near the telephone room, watching the students on the last stage of their journey to school. There is a striking difference in how the students walk and hold themselves.  Many, very many in fact, look brisk and cheerful…  A few, however, look dull, sad and preoccupied…  It saddens me to think that some Wah Yan students may have nothing to look forward to during a day at school…”

Be you a wahyanite, a teacher or a parent, you’ll feel good reading this passage by Father Coghlan when he was the Principal in Wah Yan College, Hong Kong.  (A. Ho)

Click here to read the whole passage.