《塵噹教仔》__ 陳柏齡 (71)

Adam 仔本學期選修一科中國歴史。從1911 年開始到現代。LuShun

“Dad, the class is very interesting. Professor is very good”

“White man?” I asked.

“Yes, he said we should not use simplified Chinese, 繁體字 has beauty.”

“I learnt Sun Zhongshan, Yuan Shikai, Lushun”

“Wow! You should learn to write these names in Chinese.”

Continue reading.

《夏日南亭懷辛大》 孟浩然 (689-740) 江紹倫英譯

Pining for a Friend in summer Meng Hao Ran (689-740)   江紹倫譯

山光忽西落  Daylight fades abruptly beyond the west hill
池月漸東上  Up from the eastern waters the moon climbing still
散發乘夕涼  I loosen my hair to enjoy the cool night
開軒臥閒敞  Leaving window open I lie in bed so nigh
荷風送香氣  From the lotus pond the breeze brings a wonderful fragrance
竹露滴清響  From bamboo tops dews drip their sound so softly clear
欲取鳴琴彈  How I like to play my lute merry here
恨無知音賞  But I know no music lover is around to share
感此懷故人  So I pine for you my friend dear
中宵勞夢想  In my dream tonight you will appear

古文粵譯:鄭伯克段於鄢 __ 梁煥松 (71)


鄭伯克段於鄢(左傳) 初,鄭武公娶于申,曰武姜,生莊公及共叔段。莊公寤生,驚姜氏,故名曰寤生,遂惡之。愛共叔段,欲立之。亟請於武公,公弗許。

莊公即位,武姜幫共叔段出頭,請求將制地劃俾佢做封邑。莊公話:「制地形勢險要,以前虢叔就是死在個度,唔封得俾佢。其他的邑城,我就一定從命。」武姜就請求要京地,於是莊公將京地封左俾共叔段,D人就叫共叔段做「京城大叔」咯。 Continue reading

《宴梅道士山房》 孟浩然 (689-740) __ 江紹倫英譯

宴梅道士山房           孟浩然 (689-740)tangcalligraphy

林臥愁春盡    搴帷覽物華    忽逢青鳥使    邀入赤松家
金灶初開火    仙桃正發花    童顏若可駐    何惜醉流霞

A Feast with Monk Mei up the Mountain    Meng Hao Ran(689-740)

Awake in the forest I loath that spring will cease to be an entity
From the open curtain I marvel on nature’s splendid beauty
A legend bluebird arrives suddenly bringing a message
Invitation for me to visit the Immortal Red Pine Village
The burning furnace is set to freely flame
The Legendary Peach is showing its bursting bloom
If you wish childhood looks to last forever
Let’s be drunk with the immortal nectar

《說夢 (五之五)》__ 江紹倫




黃昏一歸鳥/ 儘管筋疲力倦/ 仍然馱着斜陽回家/ 他雙翅翻騰/ 把陽光散滿山河/ 染色大地花草


古文粵譯:觸龍說趙太后 (戰國策)__ 梁煥松 (71)


趙國太后剛剛臨朝執政,秦國即刻攻打趙國。趙國向齊國求救。齊國話:「一定要太后個仔長安君來齊國做人質,我地先至會出兵。」趙太后唔肯,大臣強行勸諫。趙太后發嬲,同身邊隨從講到明:「邊個敢再勸我俾長安君去做人質,老娘一定兜口兜面吐佢口水!」 Continue reading

《Edutain and train》__ Rose Ho

“Your mother is hilarious”, my daughter’s colleague told her over the phone about me.

Yes indeed, I had to be funny especially when travelling around with a person of a different generation, race, culture, upbringing and with a different value system and life experience.

For the past two weeks, I had to entertain, educate and train a person twenty-seven years of my junior on a tour of HK, Taiwan and Shenzhen.

…and….I wrapped the trip up successfully at the end of the 13th day.

“Mrs. Ho, Please bring me to Japan next time.  I will go travelling with you.”  !!

Continue …

《早寒有怀》– 孟浩然 (689-740)__江紹倫英譯

Thoughts on Early Cold Weather  Meng Hao Ran  

木落雁南度  Geese fly southbound as trees shed their leaves
北风江上寒  The north wind arrives rivers turn chilly
我家襄水曲  Where the Xian River turns is my native land
遥隔楚云端  Far into Chu country where clouds end
乡泪客中尽  Long I rove tears from homesickness cease to roll
归帆天际看  A lone sail seen in the horizon it aimlessly floats
迷津欲有问  If I should ask for my way home
平海夕漫漫  Night covers the sea on a pace of its own