《採茶詞》高啟(1336-1374) 江紹倫英譯

《採茶詞》高啟(1336-1374)  《Tea Picking Song》Gao Qi

雷過溪山碧雲暖  Thunders gone white clouds return to warm Qi Hill
幽叢半吐槍旗短  On top of tea shrubs new shoots are short still
銀釵女兒相應歌  Wearing silver hair pins maidens sing songs in duets
筐中摘得誰最多  To compare whose basket has gatherings fully filled Continue reading

《夔州竹枝茶》范成大(1126-1193) 江紹倫英譯

《夔州竹枝茶》范成大(1126-1193)  《A Sichuan Folk Song》Fan Cheng Da

白頭老媼簪紅花 An old woman puts a red brooch on her hair white
黑頭女娘三髻丫 A black hair female dons a three-pronged bun high
背上兒眠上山去  Piggybacking her sleeping babe she climbs up the hill
采桑已閑當采茶 After mulberry leaves she has tea leaves to pick still

《寄獻新茶》曾鞏(1019-1083) 江紹倫英譯

《寄獻新茶》曾鞏(1019-1083)  《Sending a Gift of New Tea》Zheng Gu

種處地靈偏得日 They grow in terrains where sunrays visit first
摘時春早未聞雷 Leaves are picked in early spring before thunder bursts
京師萬里爭先到 Ten thousand miles to the Capital they hurry to deliver
應得慈親手自開 Only mother can do the brewing right with loving care

《歲晏村居》介石(1005-1045) 江紹倫英譯

《歲晏村居》介石(1005-1045)  《Village Life towards Year End》Jie Shi

歲晏有餘糧 Foods are plenty even towards year end
杯盤氣味長 Platters of wines and meats are prepared on hand
天寒酒腳落 Folks drink full cups of wine in cold day meals
春近臛頭香 Anticipating spring fragrant meaty broths are procured Continue reading

《詠茶》丁謂(966-1033) __ 江紹倫英譯

《詠茶》丁謂(966-1033) 《In Praise of Tea》Ding Wei

建水正寒清 Water from Jian Stream is cool and clean
茶民已夙興 Tea farmers rise early feeling keen
萌芽生社雨 Tender leaves appear before Festival Grain and Rain
採掇帶春水 Picking them one avoids not the frost of spring Continue reading

《書友人屋壁》魏野(960-1019) 江紹倫英譯

《書友人屋壁》魏野(960-1019)  《Written on the Wall of a Friend’s House》Wei Ye

達人輕祿位 A wise man views powerful positions not inviting
居處傍林泉 Settling house near woods and springs
洗硯魚吞墨 Washing his inkwell he feeds fishes with ink
烹茶鶴避煙 Brewing tea birds fly away to avoid smoking Continue reading

《穎公遺碧霄峰茶》梅堯臣(1002-1060) 江紹倫英譯

《穎公遺碧霄峰茶》梅堯臣(1002-1060)  《Green Cliff Zenith Tea》Mei Yau Zhen

到山春已晚 I arrive at the mountain in late spring
何更行新茶 Why new tea still available to reign
峰頂應多雨 High up in the peak rains are plentiful
天寒始發芽 Tender leaves await cold weather to show Continue reading

《建茶》晏殊(991-1055) 江紹倫英譯

《建茶》晏殊(991-1055) 《Jian On Tea》Yan Shu

北苑中春岫幌開 Hills in Fujian are showing signs of mid-spring
裡民清曉駕肩來 Farmers carry baskets to train up the slope for tea picking
豐隆已助新芽出 Thunders and rains are hurrying tender leaves to thrive
更作歡聲動地摧 Chorus of joy shattering the earth here and there rise

《煎茶》成彥雄(唐) 江紹倫英譯



《煎茶》成彥雄(唐) 《Brew Tea》Cheng Yan Xiong (Tang Dynasty)

嶽寺春深睡起時 At the mountain temple I rise in a spring morn
虎跑泉畔思遲遲 My mind goes to the Tiger Run Spring on and on
蜀茶倩個雲僧碾 I ask a roaming monk from Sichuan to grind tea
自拾枯鬆三四枝 While I gather dry twigs four or three

《嘗茶》戴昺(元) 江紹倫英譯

《嘗茶》戴昺(元)  《Savouring Tea》Dai Bing(Yuan Dynasty)

自汲香泉帶落花  I draw spring water carrying fragrance of fallen petals
漫燒石鼎試新茶  To boil new tea to savour on stone stove
綠陰天氣閒庭院  My courtyard under green shades stands serene
臥聽黃蜂報晚衙  I lounge listening to bees doing their routine