
Tune: Treading on Grass Thoughts in visiting the Glacier  by Kong Shiu Loon

Grand is the Arctic sceneryTreading on grass
Sky and ocean-land in harmony
Billion-year snow sitting stationary

On helicopter I marvel the intricate beauties of the icy territory
On the ground my breathing lets out cold mists not ordinary

What wonders can Nature’s hands create
Making immobile glacier its flows in wait
Alarmed are we to find fellow species extinct today

The cause is pollution induced global warming
Survival requires curtailment of desires for material wellbeing

A Selection of Autunm Poems by Fan Cheng Da (1126-1193) Tr. by Kong Shiu Loon

《秋日田园杂兴》__范成大 (1226-1193)mid-autumn_e

Autumn (7)

中秋全景属潜夫    棹入空明看太湖
身外水天银一色    城中有此月明无

How beautiful the Mid-Autumn Fest it’s all for me
I sail in the serene clear space the TaiLake I’ll see
Beyond my soul water and sky a silver constellation
I wonder how city folks could see such illumination Continue reading

On 80th Birthday__SL Kong

Today is my birthday I’m eighty
I think of my Mom giving me birth a deed mighty
It was at a time of war and sorrow
Everyday Mom said was a day borrowed
There’s the usual jubilation of a new-born to the family
The hardship of bringing me up in scarcity was not a worry

The eighty years of my experience were quite extraordinary
Wars deaths dislocation and change required adjustments many
We lived through threats struggle and hope supported by sheer ingenuity
Under my parents’ protective wings I had luck and freedom plenty
I learned more from practical challenges than schools which was intermittent
My aspiration and achievement carry the Chinese cultural imprints incessant

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