《Cross Canada Coast to Coast — Day 2》__ Bonbon Hu (65)

Mt Robson

Mt Robson

June 1, 2014.

I had a very good sleep at Best Western Motel in Valemount last night. Went to the lobby and got 2 complimentary coffees first thing in the morning. I took off at 7:15 am.

I left early because the weather forecast said that it will rain more later in the day. It was beautiful crossing the Rocky Mountain through Mt. Robson to Jasper. It has snow capped mountains on two sides as I travel east through the valley. Many of the mountains have multiple small glaciers. It never ceases to amaze me to see water on high mountains, such as lakes at 1,150 m elevation.Some lakes are so calm that I can see perfect reflections of mountains and trees inverted images. Some lakes are so buffeted by wind that it has some small white caps.

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《Cross Canada Coast to Coast (CCCC — Day 1)》 __ Bonbon Hu (65)

I kissed my newlywed bride, Margaret, farewell this morning at 8:15 am. This is our 14th wedding BB1anniversary. 

I started my trip by going east to Hope, and then head north on Hwy 5 in BC. 

It was interesting once I passed Hope (not beyond hope!), because I entered the mountain ranges.

Coquilhalla highway

Coquilhalla highway

Going north on the Coquilhalla highway at the summit, there was still snow on the road side. Five days ago, it actually snowed a few mm of snow on the summit. So, within a few hours, I was traveling from Vancouver at sea level to 1,475 m elevation at the summit. 

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昨日南加州的 “風暴”, 來去匆匆。加州少有真正的風暴,與芝加哥連天風雪咆哮,真乃小巫見大巫。 ski_1

晚上一場大雪,大熊湖位於海拔七千尺的 Snow Summit 平白添多了三寸天然雪,雪降落至三千五百尺的高度。無論走哪条路,開車上「雪峰」都需要雪鍊。




’64 Reunion Quebec Tour: Episode 5 – Again, this could happen again

We woke up at 6. We went to the hotel lobby at 6:45. We board the bus at 6:50 and we were waiting for this couple of idiots who went to the nearby subway to get breakfast. They were waiting in line for the order and would not leave without it. So the whole bus was waiting for them. This put everyone in a grouchy mood. Bad omen appeared again.

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’64 Reunion Quebec Tour: Episode 4 – Café du Monde

The rising of the wind blew away a lot of interest. We were going to walk to the restaurant yet the chill deterred us from loitering around.

The restaurant was situated right be the river bank with the custom building perching from a platform. This building was constructed with steps that led directly into the river. When the tides rolled in, the steps would be soaked. The restaurant building was separately constructed and it had a balcony that overlooked the river bank. It was dark and we could not see much of the river yet there were customers sitting outside with candle lid tables and enjoying their meal.

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’64 Reunion Quebec Tour: Episode 3 – day of reckoning

We did our usual tourist thing of visiting the Notre Dame Basilica, St Joseph Oratory and the Big O Olympic stadium. The weather was turning miserable. It was foggy and wet. We took the cable car and went to the top of the Big O and we could not see anything when the fog patches were so thick. It was disappointing.

Then things took a different turn on our way to Quebec City.

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’64 Reunion Quebec Tour: Episode 2 – Boris Bistro

Click here for Episode 1

Our hotel is on Sherbrook Avenue. Sherbrook Avenue housed a lot of brand name stores. McGill University is also on Sherbrook. The main street St. Catherine Street is just a couple of blocks away. The location was good. The hotel was decent. The street was already dark when we settled in. We could not venture outside for too long. It took 2 cabs and a van to transport us to the restaurant.

The restaurant is inside an office building. There is a space between buildings and the restaurant built a terrace joining the outside wall of the 2 building. They add canopies to shield the sun and keep the rustic outside concrete walls of the buildings exposed. Shrubs and greenery were brought in and the atmosphere was soothing and relaxing. It was dark and we could not sit outside, so we retired to a main dining room.

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